[67] 4th May 2006 11:32

Submitted by: snoopy on Tue, 09/05/2006 - 6:31pm
Dusk Till Dawn Ltd and Matrix Properties are now fully set up on the sf group accounting system and all of the costs to date have been logged in the right catorgories. I feel a sense of relief handing over control of the finances to Rebecca, I know she will control the purse strings and question any expenditure. She has worked with me for 9 years and I have total confidence in her when it comes to managing the finances and dealing with the accountants and lawyers. I don't sign any cheques or invoices for any of my businesses, she has authority to do everything which frees me up. She manages an accounts department of 15 people and one of the accoutants, Pete Jenkins (an internet poker player actually), is going to be soley dedicated to DTD accounting, which will be quite complex due to the amount of transactions and the online rewards scheme.

I finally managed to finish the content for our web site yesterday and emailed it to Pete, its taken me 2 weeks. Its hard to write content for something that has not even opened yet, but we need our web site up and running as soon as possible so we can generate members for the July Magistrates hearing for the Gaming Licence. People will be able to join the club online through the site and this will allow up to prove demand to the magistrates court. I spoke to Andy, my lawyer, yesterday, he has really positive feedback from the Gaming Board but I do not want to leave anything to chance, I want to show them that there is SUBSTANCIAL demand for this club in the UK, so the sooner I can get the web site up, the better.

I was watching Poker 425 last night and I noticed that Aces  had the DTD clothing on in Oxford Cup, where he finished 2nd, it gave me a funny feeling to see the logo which I has been the bane of my life actually on TV. TK gave him some good pr and also mentioned DTD on the program which was nice. I couldn't help thinking how relaxed TK looks nowadays in front of the cameras, he must be the most famous guy in UK poker if you polled the average man in the street, Louise's (my suffering girlfriend) Dad is one of his fan club and watches every episode of 425 as do many other people I know. They say to me, "do you know Tikay, have you ever played poker with the great one, do you get nervous when you are on his table", my answer of course is, "yes, yes and yes". Maybe we should get TK to cut the ribbon on DTD's opening night, I think he may be slightly more cheaper that Helmuth, I'm serious.

Its funny how this DTD thing seems to have taken over much of my life, when I started the idea, I thought it would be a hobby, something to give my life some balance after 2 years of dossing roung the world playing poker. Being honest, I think I actually first made my mind up to do it when I arrived 1 minute late for a comp at Notts Gala and was turned away, in the car on the way home I was moaning to Nick and he jokingly said "why don't we open our own poker room". The irony of this is that I probabably won't be able to play poker in DTD due to Gaming Board restrictions........what a plonker. However, this doesn't really bother me now, I've found it interesting doing all the reading up on the law, recruiting people into the operation, negotiating with the online rooms and mapping out the strategy, its sort of given me some purpose again as well as caused me a lot of headaches. Before DTD started I had been seriously thinking about going to university to re-educate myself and study for a degree, but I guess that student life will have to go on the back burner for now.

Right, gotta get a shower and do a quick workout, Pete is coming round to review the web site and Adam is bringing more DTD clothing round later, I gotta speak to my accountants about the online business, watch some TV with my sister, watch Louise playing online poker, discuss the online contract at 3pm on conference call, visit Nick at Maho Road (his apartment project) and something else I can't quite put my finger on.....have something to eat.