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Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: Reece's Thread
on: September 08, 2020, 06:49:07 PM
Maureen can't get access to blonde for some reason, she asked me to post a picture of Reece on his first day back at school this term
Poker Forums / Internet Poker / Re: Does rakeback still exist?
on: September 14, 2019, 09:33:05 AM
Dabbled in some online mtts for the first time in about 5 years and have got the taste for some Internet pokers again. Is anywhere offering rakeback that is worth doing? In my past life I had a full tilt black card and the rb was very nice... Anybody still a rakeback pro these days?!6621!3!348832942984!e!!g!!partypoker%20rakeback&wm=4635167&Source=ppc&tdpeh=go_cmp-138728378_adg-71250523364_ad-348832942984_kwd-368608468_dev-c_ext-_prd-&gclid=Cj0KCQjwn_LrBRD4ARIsAFEQFKu4pyY1QNhZzUpiG4UpxU5qaHN93dosPqy-1JBsgHh5i5Faw-K1TjcaAjMCEALw_wcB
Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: The UK Politics and EU Referendum thread - merged
on: September 10, 2019, 04:06:46 PM
Tbf, I log on to this thread a few times every day, but it's turned into morbid curiosity more than anything else. I'm sure I'm not alone to say it's a topic that I'm hugely interested in, and enjoy discussing on many platforms, but am put off from posting here by the toxic nature of a few posters. AdamM's post reflected my thoughts pretty much exactly!
Exactly my thoughts, have written loads and deleted, not worth the grief..
Community Forums / The Lounge / Re: The UK Politics and EU Referendum thread - merged
on: August 29, 2019, 03:53:39 PM
Hello, MIA this week as in the final stages of confirming a new job. Saved you all 36 links on the ins and outs of prorogation and constitutional outrage or not notes though!
On 7/4, the resignation of Davidson is significant. She was the major driver to the Conservatives winning 12 Scottish seats last time. With Scotland being pro-remain, without Davidson and with Brexit either hard or no deal by the time the GE comes 12 this time round feels optimistic, plus there is the remain vote loss to the LDs in the south to contend with.
Set against that i would think he is on the way to taking a large chunk of the brexit party vote especially if we no deal, plus some former labour industrial heartland voted leave seats
Gut feel is largest party but not overall majority but the question is overall majority/no overall majority rather than which party will be the largest.
Of course a Boris working majority solves a lot of the mess, they can then stuff the DUP and sort out the backstop problem by putting the border in the Irish Sea. Might have had no deal before that happens though.
VBOL with getting the new job Rich. Ruth Davidson resigns and Tighty is about to confirm a new job...? Good luck, Tighty. I was sinking fast, and increasingly desperate. I start on Monday ;-) Llongyfarchiadau
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