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Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
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Topic: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary (Read 7177112 times)
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55365 on:
February 12, 2021, 08:59:45 AM »
Quote from: Doobs on February 01, 2021, 10:52:17 PM
Quote from: tikay on February 01, 2021, 09:04:02 PM
By way of a conversation starter, I posted this amazing photo on the Live Update. Bet that lot could tell a story or two. I chatted to Mr Channing about it a few days earlier & he remarked how interesting it was that 10 of the 11 are still with us.
Click to see full-size image.
Having seen that photo, I posted this in the thread next door, but think it got lost in the rush.
Morning David.
I've been laid low with a dreadful cold all week (men's colds are of course always dreadful), but I'm going to try & do a quick catch up before I go do my jobs.
Yes, your reply probably got lost in the rush. The thread garnered 12,000 views in 24 hours, pretty good going for that forum, so maybe plenty read it. The photo when originally posted certainly aroused plenty of comment. I had actually already done the reveal, so that may also explain why few commented on your post.
Here's what I penned;
"Think we need to clear up that mystery photo which aroused so much interest yesterday.
Firstly, I discussed it with Neil Channing a few days ago & he rightly pointed out that it's quite something that 10 of the 11 are still with us. The exception is Alan Vinson, aka "Big Alan", who sadly passed away a few years ago. His name lives on in poker though, as his sons - Ben & Adam - are particularly adept at poker, especially Ben.
As to our "70's Porn Star" moustachioed friend, well that's some story. His real name was Ron Fanelli, but he was mainly & perhaps fittingly known by the monikor "Mad Yank". Very well known in the early noughties, he was a prominent poster on the poker forums, especially The Hendon Mob, & he spared nobody the cutting edge of his razor sharp tongue. Most of us playing at the time knew him very well from Gutshot Club & The Vic. You always knew when Mad Yank was around, believe me. Quite the character.
But then the wheels came off a bit, & the next we heard he was in Thailand & he had been arrested for murder, with the female victim's body cut into pieces & placed in a suitcase which was then stuffed under his bed. Vicky Coren, wonderful writer that she is, wrote a piece about it in The Guardian, and I certainly can't compete with her, so here is the very poignant piece she wrote;
Ron Fanelli was my friend. How did he go on to be a murderer?
Like Vicky, I'm not in any way glorifying what he did. The whole point was that he was just a regular guy, who we all shared poker tables with night after night. None of us could ever imagine things would end so badly. He was sentenced to 10 years in jail, that was in 2010, so I'm guessing he's out & about now.
You do get to meet some characters in the world of poker".
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55366 on:
February 12, 2021, 09:16:43 AM »
Quote from: Jamier-Host on February 10, 2021, 09:33:36 PM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 02, 2021, 12:02:50 AM
I didn't know the Mad Yank was a mu-diddly-urderer.
Based on the 10 years mentioned he should be due out of jail now too.
Yes, he should be back at home now, though where "home" is I've no idea.
I was really surprised to see Tom say he was not aware of Mad Yank's misdeeds, I assumed everyone knew.
Whilst we are on the subject of poker playing murderers, here's another who is due to be released this year. Tom WILL remember this one though, as he was a DTD regular. The difference between him & Mad Yank was Mad Yank did his murdering AFTER we knew him, whereas this fellow did it before we got to know him. It had not come out on top at the time of course. His victim's head was found in the Nevada desert, but her body was never found as I recall. The US Police said they "suspected foul play". Well yes.
The photo was taken after one of the Wm Hill Grand Prix qualifiers - there were 4 of them, & Phil Q recruited me to help out with them. Some fun stories there, especially after one when half of the prize pool mysteriously vanished.
Click to see full-size image.
Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 09:38:51 AM by tikay
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55367 on:
February 12, 2021, 09:24:18 AM »
Quote from: Mohican on February 11, 2021, 08:37:07 PM
Quote from: tikay on February 01, 2021, 08:56:24 PM
What a few days I had last week, felt like I got the Trifecta up.
On Thursday I got a text inviting me to book my jab. Took about 3 seconds to get that booked & I was a mite surprised how quickly it cheered me up. Booked it for 0810 on Saturday.
On Friday my Contract was renewed for another 12 months. I had been told some time ago it would be, but even so, I was whittling to bits about it. And then, with hours to spare, it all came though. Happy days. That – all being well, God willing etc – will take me into my 16th year with them. The jobs I’ve had since I retired in 2004 is incred but who could ever have predicted a decade & a half with Sky? And it all began thanks to Phil Q.
Saturday morning I was as excited as the annual “off to Vegas”
day. Arrived at the jab clinic 30 minutes early & the whole thing was just perfect. Think they’d hired the local Women’s Institute girlies for all the non-Medical admin & usherers, & they could not have been more friendly & helpful. I maybe spend too much time exposed to the rough & tumble of the internet world, & it was all such a contrast. Boris & Co have made a complete balls of the virus response, but here, at the ground level, it could not have been a better experience. I had the Pfizer jab & had no after-effects except I was absolutely buzzing. The whole thing lifted my spirits wonderfully. After the jab I had to sit in the “recovery area” (a tent) & it was full of elderly ladies & gents, all chit chatting to each other as if they had known each other all their life. It was like turning the clock back half a century, everyone so friendly & no edge.
Then the rest of the weekend was live updating the SPT Online, the biggest MTT Sky Poker have ever staged. 5 figure guarantees are rare there, but this was a cool £100,000, & it made just shy of £140,000. The Update got over 11,000 views, which is a tidy number for that forum. Two long days though, with Day 2 finishing at 0320 this morning, so I was physically wrecked.
Today? Flat as a pancake, the dreaded adrenalin hangover. This adrenalin stuff is the nuts, it enables us to do so many things, but the cold turkey is agony.
Disappointed there was no stake for this? Miss the annual tales arse rippage and sticky buns.
Hi Carl,
How you keeping mate? Still got the motorbikes? I see you still play a bit Next Door.
Missing the annual Vegas trips? Just a bit. I missed last year & it looks like I'll miss this year too, I'm struggling to imagine we'll be COVID-free this year. Those annual jaunts were the highlight of my year, but it can't be helped, & plenty are suffering far worse than missing a trip to Vegas.
Live poker has re-started in Vegas, but take a look at this. Not sure playing under those circumstances fills me with joy. There were few places on earth more pleasant to play poker than Venetian, but this looks pretty grim to me & not at all appealing;
Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 09:27:47 AM by tikay
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55368 on:
February 12, 2021, 09:27:29 AM »
Did anyone see the news item yesterday of the driver in Dundee who got nicked due to "poor visibility" in his car?
I'll be honest, I've done similar in my younger & less sensible years, (I suspect many of us have) though I'm not sure we've ever done it quite this badly.
Click to see full-size image.
Click to see full-size image.
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55369 on:
February 12, 2021, 09:35:14 AM »
This has to be my photo of the week.
I'm not sure what I imagined the front room of a Princess looked like, but it was certainly nothing like this.
It is of course Princess Anne at home with hubby watching the Rugby last weekend. (She's Patron of the Scottish Rugby Association). Along with her Maj & The Late Queen Mum, Anne has always been in my trifecta of fave Royals & now I adore her more.
Just look at that cosy clutter, with no attempt to tidy it for the camera. Barely visible bottom left is the dog basket. I can almost imagine her bathroom now, with half empty shampoo bottles adorning the bath ledge, & one of those blue disinfectant things in the toilet bowl.
I know the Royal Family are less popular these days, but I love most of them to bits & always will. And if Camel happens to see this, yes, I've got Annie right up there with Michael O'Leary.
Click to see full-size image.
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
International Lover World Wide Playboy
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Posts: 47203
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55370 on:
February 12, 2021, 11:04:49 AM »
Quote from: tikay on February 12, 2021, 09:16:43 AM
Quote from: Jamier-Host on February 10, 2021, 09:33:36 PM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 02, 2021, 12:02:50 AM
I didn't know the Mad Yank was a mu-diddly-urderer.
Based on the 10 years mentioned he should be due out of jail now too.
Yes, he should be back at home now, though where "home" is I've no idea.
I was really surprised to see Tom say he was not aware of Mad Yank's misdeeds, I assumed everyone knew.
Whilst we are on the subject of poker playing murderers, here's another who is due to be released this year. Tom WILL remember this one though, as he was a DTD regular. The difference between him & Mad Yank was Mad Yank did his murdering AFTER we knew him, whereas this fellow did it before we got to know him. It had not come out on top at the time of course. His victim's head was found in the Nevada desert, but her body was never found as I recall. The US Police said they "suspected foul play". Well yes.
The photo was taken after one of the Wm Hill Grand Prix qualifiers - there were 4 of them, & Phil Q recruited me to help out with them. Some fun stories there, especially after one when half of the prize pool mysteriously vanished.
Click to see full-size image.
When I found out that Marcus Bebb Jones was a murderer I couldn't believe it, he seemed so ordinary. I spent endless hours at the poker table with him just chatting about mundane stuff, as you do.
Now I can't believe that he's served his time and is due for release, It's shocking how time passes.
I wonder how I would feel if, at some point in the future, I was drawn next to him in a comp?
The older I get, the better I was.
Hero Member
Posts: 16613
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55371 on:
February 12, 2021, 11:34:52 AM »
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 12, 2021, 11:04:49 AM
Quote from: tikay on February 12, 2021, 09:16:43 AM
Quote from: Jamier-Host on February 10, 2021, 09:33:36 PM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 02, 2021, 12:02:50 AM
I didn't know the Mad Yank was a mu-diddly-urderer.
Based on the 10 years mentioned he should be due out of jail now too.
Yes, he should be back at home now, though where "home" is I've no idea.
I was really surprised to see Tom say he was not aware of Mad Yank's misdeeds, I assumed everyone knew.
Whilst we are on the subject of poker playing murderers, here's another who is due to be released this year. Tom WILL remember this one though, as he was a DTD regular. The difference between him & Mad Yank was Mad Yank did his murdering AFTER we knew him, whereas this fellow did it before we got to know him. It had not come out on top at the time of course. His victim's head was found in the Nevada desert, but her body was never found as I recall. The US Police said they "suspected foul play". Well yes.
The photo was taken after one of the Wm Hill Grand Prix qualifiers - there were 4 of them, & Phil Q recruited me to help out with them. Some fun stories there, especially after one when half of the prize pool mysteriously vanished.
Click to see full-size image.
When I found out that Marcus Bebb Jones was a murderer I couldn't believe it, he seemed so ordinary. I spent endless hours at the poker table with him just chatting about mundane stuff, as you do.
Now I can't believe that he's served his time and is due for release, It's shocking how time passes.
I wonder how I would feel if, at some point in the future, I was drawn next to him in a comp?
I think it was Camel who once suggested he had sat at a poker table with 4 murderers; I remember these two, but could never work out who the others were.
There are probably more than a couple of players where the news wouldn't surprise me.
Most of the bets placed so far seem more like hopeful punts rather than value spots
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55372 on:
February 12, 2021, 11:45:18 AM »
Quote from: Doobs on February 12, 2021, 11:34:52 AM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 12, 2021, 11:04:49 AM
Quote from: tikay on February 12, 2021, 09:16:43 AM
Quote from: Jamier-Host on February 10, 2021, 09:33:36 PM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 02, 2021, 12:02:50 AM
I didn't know the Mad Yank was a mu-diddly-urderer.
Based on the 10 years mentioned he should be due out of jail now too.
Yes, he should be back at home now, though where "home" is I've no idea.
I was really surprised to see Tom say he was not aware of Mad Yank's misdeeds, I assumed everyone knew.
Whilst we are on the subject of poker playing murderers, here's another who is due to be released this year. Tom WILL remember this one though, as he was a DTD regular. The difference between him & Mad Yank was Mad Yank did his murdering AFTER we knew him, whereas this fellow did it before we got to know him. It had not come out on top at the time of course. His victim's head was found in the Nevada desert, but her body was never found as I recall. The US Police said they "suspected foul play". Well yes.
The photo was taken after one of the Wm Hill Grand Prix qualifiers - there were 4 of them, & Phil Q recruited me to help out with them. Some fun stories there, especially after one when half of the prize pool mysteriously vanished.
Click to see full-size image.
When I found out that Marcus Bebb Jones was a murderer I couldn't believe it, he seemed so ordinary. I spent endless hours at the poker table with him just chatting about mundane stuff, as you do.
Now I can't believe that he's served his time and is due for release, It's shocking how time passes.
I wonder how I would feel if, at some point in the future, I was drawn next to him in a comp?
I think it was Camel who once suggested he had sat at a poker table with 4 murderers; I remember these two, but could never work out who the others were.
There are probably more than a couple of players where the news wouldn't surprise me.
I've certainly shared poker tables with 5 (known & convicted) murderers. In addition to Ron & Marcus, there was Ming Jiang & another Asian (both in Manchester) and a fella who used to frequent The Vic who killed a girl.
We could move on to those convicted of serious crimes, but that's a whole other chapter & I'm not sure it's wise to go there.
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
Hero Member
Posts: 9281
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55373 on:
February 12, 2021, 02:35:14 PM »
Marcus Bebb-Jones is still inside and has a parole hearing in January 2022.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they make him stay until his mandatory release date in 2026. From the lack of media, chances are he's still not revealed where the rest of his poor wife's body was (they only found the head) and that'll be stopping him getting out.
Some of the US states have a system whereby you can search for prisoners in that state. Colorado is one of them and it's here:
If you want to search for the man be warned his surname in there is BEBBJONES.
He is in a minimum security prison though (
) so he could get out earlier...I imagine when he does get out the first thing the Yanks will do is put him back on a plane here.
Last Edit: February 12, 2021, 02:38:19 PM by KarmaDope
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55374 on:
February 12, 2021, 02:40:53 PM »
Quote from: KarmaDope on February 12, 2021, 02:35:14 PM
Marcus Bebb-Jones is still inside and has a parole hearing in January 2022.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they make him stay until his mandatory release date in 2026. From the lack of media, chances are he's still not revealed where the rest of his poor wife's body was (they only found the head) and that'll be stopping him getting out.
Some of the US states have a system whereby you can search for prisoners in that state. Colorado is one of them and it's here:
If you want to search for the man be warned his surname in there is BEBBJONES.
He is in a minimum security prison though (
) so he could get out earlier...I imagine when he does get out the first thing the Yanks will do is put him back on a plane here.
Fascinating, thank you.
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
International Lover World Wide Playboy
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Posts: 47203
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55375 on:
February 12, 2021, 02:43:02 PM »
I was gonna say that but Tony beat me to it.
The older I get, the better I was.
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Posts: 8144
Ocho cinco
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55376 on:
February 12, 2021, 04:28:35 PM »
Quote from: KarmaDope on February 12, 2021, 02:35:14 PM
Marcus Bebb-Jones is still inside and has a parole hearing in January 2022.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear that they make him stay until his mandatory release date in 2026. From the lack of media, chances are he's still not revealed where the rest of his poor wife's body was (they only found the head) and that'll be stopping him getting out.
Some of the US states have a system whereby you can search for prisoners in that state. Colorado is one of them and it's here:
If you want to search for the man be warned his surname in there is BEBBJONES.
He is in a minimum security prison though (
) so he could get out earlier...I imagine when he does get out the first thing the Yanks will do is put him back on a plane here.
Looking through that prison link there are instructions for sending an inmate monies.
Is it just me tempted, to send him 10 bucks with best wishes from everyone at Blonde Poker.
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James Webb Telescope
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55377 on:
February 12, 2021, 04:44:21 PM »
Quote from: Doobs on February 12, 2021, 11:34:52 AM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 12, 2021, 11:04:49 AM
Quote from: tikay on February 12, 2021, 09:16:43 AM
Quote from: Jamier-Host on February 10, 2021, 09:33:36 PM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 02, 2021, 12:02:50 AM
I didn't know the Mad Yank was a mu-diddly-urderer.
Based on the 10 years mentioned he should be due out of jail now too.
Yes, he should be back at home now, though where "home" is I've no idea.
I was really surprised to see Tom say he was not aware of Mad Yank's misdeeds, I assumed everyone knew.
Whilst we are on the subject of poker playing murderers, here's another who is due to be released this year. Tom WILL remember this one though, as he was a DTD regular. The difference between him & Mad Yank was Mad Yank did his murdering AFTER we knew him, whereas this fellow did it before we got to know him. It had not come out on top at the time of course. His victim's head was found in the Nevada desert, but her body was never found as I recall. The US Police said they "suspected foul play". Well yes.
The photo was taken after one of the Wm Hill Grand Prix qualifiers - there were 4 of them, & Phil Q recruited me to help out with them. Some fun stories there, especially after one when half of the prize pool mysteriously vanished.
Click to see full-size image.
When I found out that Marcus Bebb Jones was a murderer I couldn't believe it, he seemed so ordinary. I spent endless hours at the poker table with him just chatting about mundane stuff, as you do.
Now I can't believe that he's served his time and is due for release, It's shocking how time passes.
I wonder how I would feel if, at some point in the future, I was drawn next to him in a comp?
I think it was Camel who once suggested he had sat at a poker table with 4 murderers; I remember these two, but could never work out who the others were.
There are probably more than a couple of players where the news wouldn't surprise me.
There was Maz from Sheffield a frequent player at DTD who grew tired of his missus and stabbed her multiple times.
"Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated. It satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time maddening and rewarding and it is without a doubt the greatest game that mankind has ever invented." - Arnold Palmer aka The King.
Hero Member
Posts: 9165
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55378 on:
February 12, 2021, 04:49:42 PM »
Quote from: Karabiner on February 12, 2021, 04:44:21 PM
Quote from: Doobs on February 12, 2021, 11:34:52 AM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 12, 2021, 11:04:49 AM
Quote from: tikay on February 12, 2021, 09:16:43 AM
Quote from: Jamier-Host on February 10, 2021, 09:33:36 PM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 02, 2021, 12:02:50 AM
I didn't know the Mad Yank was a mu-diddly-urderer.
Based on the 10 years mentioned he should be due out of jail now too.
Yes, he should be back at home now, though where "home" is I've no idea.
I was really surprised to see Tom say he was not aware of Mad Yank's misdeeds, I assumed everyone knew.
Whilst we are on the subject of poker playing murderers, here's another who is due to be released this year. Tom WILL remember this one though, as he was a DTD regular. The difference between him & Mad Yank was Mad Yank did his murdering AFTER we knew him, whereas this fellow did it before we got to know him. It had not come out on top at the time of course. His victim's head was found in the Nevada desert, but her body was never found as I recall. The US Police said they "suspected foul play". Well yes.
The photo was taken after one of the Wm Hill Grand Prix qualifiers - there were 4 of them, & Phil Q recruited me to help out with them. Some fun stories there, especially after one when half of the prize pool mysteriously vanished.
Click to see full-size image.
When I found out that Marcus Bebb Jones was a murderer I couldn't believe it, he seemed so ordinary. I spent endless hours at the poker table with him just chatting about mundane stuff, as you do.
Now I can't believe that he's served his time and is due for release, It's shocking how time passes.
I wonder how I would feel if, at some point in the future, I was drawn next to him in a comp?
I think it was Camel who once suggested he had sat at a poker table with 4 murderers; I remember these two, but could never work out who the others were.
There are probably more than a couple of players where the news wouldn't surprise me.
There was Maz from Sheffield a frequent player at DTD who grew tired of his missus and stabbed her multiple times.
Would that be the same one who took a gun into a wedding and just started randomly shooting at people?
Hero Member
Posts: 22765
James Webb Telescope
Re: Vegas & The Aftermath - Diary
Reply #55379 on:
February 12, 2021, 04:52:34 PM »
Quote from: DaveShoelace on February 12, 2021, 04:49:42 PM
Quote from: Karabiner on February 12, 2021, 04:44:21 PM
Quote from: Doobs on February 12, 2021, 11:34:52 AM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 12, 2021, 11:04:49 AM
Quote from: tikay on February 12, 2021, 09:16:43 AM
Quote from: Jamier-Host on February 10, 2021, 09:33:36 PM
Quote from: RED-DOG on February 02, 2021, 12:02:50 AM
I didn't know the Mad Yank was a mu-diddly-urderer.
Based on the 10 years mentioned he should be due out of jail now too.
Yes, he should be back at home now, though where "home" is I've no idea.
I was really surprised to see Tom say he was not aware of Mad Yank's misdeeds, I assumed everyone knew.
Whilst we are on the subject of poker playing murderers, here's another who is due to be released this year. Tom WILL remember this one though, as he was a DTD regular. The difference between him & Mad Yank was Mad Yank did his murdering AFTER we knew him, whereas this fellow did it before we got to know him. It had not come out on top at the time of course. His victim's head was found in the Nevada desert, but her body was never found as I recall. The US Police said they "suspected foul play". Well yes.
The photo was taken after one of the Wm Hill Grand Prix qualifiers - there were 4 of them, & Phil Q recruited me to help out with them. Some fun stories there, especially after one when half of the prize pool mysteriously vanished.
Click to see full-size image.
When I found out that Marcus Bebb Jones was a murderer I couldn't believe it, he seemed so ordinary. I spent endless hours at the poker table with him just chatting about mundane stuff, as you do.
Now I can't believe that he's served his time and is due for release, It's shocking how time passes.
I wonder how I would feel if, at some point in the future, I was drawn next to him in a comp?
I think it was Camel who once suggested he had sat at a poker table with 4 murderers; I remember these two, but could never work out who the others were.
There are probably more than a couple of players where the news wouldn't surprise me.
There was Maz from Sheffield a frequent player at DTD who grew tired of his missus and stabbed her multiple times.
Would that be the same one who took a gun into a wedding and just started randomly shooting at people?
That's the guy.
"Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated. It satisfies the soul and frustrates the intellect. It is at the same time maddening and rewarding and it is without a doubt the greatest game that mankind has ever invented." - Arnold Palmer aka The King.
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