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Author Topic: The Best In The Business  (Read 1558654 times)
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« Reply #8805 on: January 15, 2018, 01:03:30 AM »

Been hectic couple of weeks, everything going really well though.

I've studied 45 hours so far this year which is definitely most I've done in such a short span.

Poker has been going ok, ran poorly last couple of Sundays, but lots of runs, sweats, stacks, thats all you can ask for really.

bitB having lots of exciting things happening, launching, coming to fruition, all good there.

Life not as healthy last few days, will improve this week that.

Ran really poorly today and that used to really effect me on Sundays, my last table I had unfortunate result and just said "sometimes its not your day" and closed the sites and did cool down.

Really looking forward to this year, feels so good to be so motivated, have back of my mind always to go into crypto and learn and try and crush there, but its just hard to do both so will keep focusing on poker for now.

Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of  fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
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« Reply #8806 on: January 29, 2018, 02:56:19 PM »

So Pads, unsure if you've seen the latest Joey Ingram and Tonkaaaa interview but they touched upon the topic of sponsorships etc... and how Party's new model seems to be copying that of the late pokerstars in recruiting more prolific names in the poker sphere. Of course I'm unaware of how much visibility you have into these decisions but one of the points that was made was audience reach and content creation.

Interested to hear your thoughts on why for example Party isn't signing the Tonkas / Jaime Staples / PAVs etc... of the world who spend their times generating content that reaches large numbers of audiences and has potential to increase site traffic over some of the pro's and ambassadors that seem to have been added in the recent months.

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« Reply #8807 on: February 05, 2018, 06:50:13 AM »

Best in the business casually wins nearly £240k yesterday. Well done Pads.
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« Reply #8808 on: February 05, 2018, 07:52:16 AM »

The last 2 weeks have been mental! Absolutely mental mental crazy. I travelled to Gibraltar to represent bitB with a very exciting new business adventure, we find out some news today about funding, but even if we don't get it there should be very easy to get as new business model we have made is very lucrative. I was supposed to be grinding every day for the challenge we had in bitB, basically hue competitive leaderboard.

I started off with a bunch of big FTs and runs, but then had to leave to Gibraltar, do lots of presentations, meetings etc and fell out of sync, because I was meeting people during business hours my sleeping clock was that of a muggle and thus struggled to grind when I came back. I spent every day studying tonnes and working on lots of different areas of the game.

I played 2-3 tables on Friday night, getting 2nd in a tournament for $35k and 4th in another for $5k, probably punted the 3rd Cheesy

Was looking forward to playing today so so much, woke up at 8am unfortunately which is really the worst thing that can happen on a Sunday. Decided to just be up early with the family, went for drive in new car we bought last week (I need to get license ASAP!) ((don't worry i wasn't driving!)) then went for Sunday roast, watched the Newcastle game then the Spurs game, it got to 6pm and I should start grinding, but took approach that it will be super long day so best to just get a power nap in. I slept for an hour and then was ready to go.

Throughout the whole session I listened to 80 seconds of a Harry Styles song on random repeat mixed with silence was a little bit strange haha. Ended up having stacks all over the place, I was deep in the $1k and I was replying to a horse on discord with like 14 left and crazy guy opened and I thought I had Aces, I wrote back on discord and in that time worked out flatting was the highest ev play here, I flat and then see I have AK which is not the hand i wanted to flat with! End up losing a little in the hand, but could have been pivotal spot.

Ended up coming 9th in the $1k for $7k, had some other runs s530, party main, hotter 215 and few other good runs but managed to close the session out winning the Party HR for $208k.

Feels really nice to run good, played well, but of course to win any tournament, even a 1 table SNG you gotta run better than the others.

I have loved playing these series so much, the big prize pools, competition is just really motivating for me. I went for dinner with a good friend who is just transitioning out of poker, he basically hates the game and doesn't mentally stimulate him anymore, I've gone through some ups and downs with poker over the last 10 years, but before this weekend (and obviously still) I haven't loved poker as much as I do currently.

I feel like theres something mentally that I'm not allowing to get into my conscious mind. After the 3 big wins in Vegas last year the end of 2017 was kinda lined up to go travel, huge Macau tournaments, huge Montenegro HR series, big PartyPoker series in Russia, PokerMasters in Vegas, other Vegas HR series like 5 diamond, people probably think looking at hendon mob that I just bricked everything which is kinda normal, but for some reason I just didn't go, I still don't really know why I didn't go, why I'm not in Australia now, why I didn't go to PCA. I know that live poker is way better suited to me than online and I'm a lot more competent there, I know I can sell action to any of these tournaments to different investors and getting there/hotels/flights etc isn't problem, but for some reason I basically didn't let myself even think about going. Anybody have any reason they think this could be? I'm obviously busy with bitB and really enjoy that responsibility and not being able to just be on the road and actually have roles and responsibilities, but it feels like something is very odd that I wouldn't chase the run after the summer heater.

I'm just checking my diary and I actually went to 3 stops after Vegas

Barcelona - Deep run in the biggest main event of the year, big controversy on feature table

GUKPT Grand Finale - Made the final table

Prague - 3rd for $75k

So it has nothing to do with running bad, if anything every stop I went to after Vegas I ran over expectation. Maybe its something from Barcelona and the whole angleshoot thing that I just want to stay a little more out of the live limelight, I really don't know, I think I've probably tried to stay away from even thinking about it, but having Rozvadov coming up in a couple of days, there is amazing schedule and I didn't even book flights yet and lying in bed today I though hmm why haven't I done that? Actually why aren't I in Australia? Why didn't I go to PCA? Why didn't i go to Party Punta Cana etc.

Something strange Cheesy


Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of  fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
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« Reply #8809 on: February 05, 2018, 10:32:23 AM »

Best in the business casually wins nearly £240k yesterday. Well done Pads.

Great result.

Quote from: action man
im not speculating, either, but id have been pretty peeved if i missed the thread and i ended up getting clipped, kindly accepting a lift home.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
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« Reply #8810 on: February 05, 2018, 11:23:32 AM »

Well done, Pleno.

Is there an additional commercial value to you playing more live events? Sell the brand a bit to the recreational and aspirational markets?

"You must take your opponent into a deep, dark forest, where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one"
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« Reply #8811 on: February 17, 2018, 01:25:07 PM »

Anyone watching Pads on the live stream?

Probably got the worse seat at the table (maybe that's the guy to his right)
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« Reply #8812 on: February 17, 2018, 01:30:14 PM »

Couple of questions for Pads when he gets a chance:

1) What was your thoughts when Phil showed the bluff with AT when you had 99 ( just been on stream)?

2) what was your thought process in your he hand vs Robert Binkley where you bluffed the river when the K hit to make 4 to a straight if someone had a J, he had top pair until the river (Q)? Pretty sure at the time James and Jack thought you were going to shove river.

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« Reply #8813 on: February 18, 2018, 08:48:10 AM »

Are you up at Dtd this week ?
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« Reply #8814 on: February 19, 2018, 04:47:13 AM »

Crazy week in Rozvadov, grinded every day, didn't leave casino once, sounds lame, but if you have been to Rozvadov you'll understand!

Played 5 tournaments.

25k High Roller

Played well, was chipleader half way through tournament and made one crucial mistake, Dom opens and whale who only ever has AA 3bets, I was in sb and folded 99, should have probably called since 100% implied odds, problem was I wasn't closing action, cold calling sucks and he is going to just POT flops etc, I folded and flop came 952r and he shoved 15x pot, would have been huge chip leader, played pretty good this tournament though so was really excited for the next tourney.

25K High Roller

Played really awesome and focused this tournament. Felt for sure as if I had one of highest ROI's in the tournament, I've analyses all the guys in big depth over the last 2-3 months whilst they've been grinding and I've done a lot of work off the tables, I don't really feel like any of them are better. Ended up coming 4th, I lost AJ v A8 for infinite chips and elimination flop J72... turn 8... river 10, ouch. Felt bad as it just felt like the tournaments in Vegas, I was in the zone, could feel edge strongly and was just expecting to take it down Cheesy good result though (85k)

50K High Roller

Was quite big chipleader in this tournament and then played pot for 4x average vs businessman. I had won lot of pots vs him all day and he was visibly tilted. I raised AA, he called sb, I min bet 762, he raised huge, I jammed and he shrugged and called 98, turn Ace for the more painful Ten on the river. Need a new expression for this. Would have been in amazing position, but thats poker, still had ok stack, moved onto new table, made pretty standard call down 3 streets vs Antonious, Q4o vs AA on Q8773 and then busted to him next hand where he opens, I jam 25bbs with 33 and he takes 2 minutes to call with JJ... Sure buddy. AA hand sucked, but whatever, he has OK equity anyway, actually funny how it was, I had gotten to 4m (4x starting stack) it was 1.5m average stack but I had no good hands at all, got back form break, looked at Aces and I thought to myself wow it will be even easier with the nuts, sometimes its better to not have hands like that! Cheesy

2k Warm Up

Again, was chipleader in this tournament on day 2 for a while, played tightish from 90-50 then moved to table with lot of chips.

Raise J9s 5 from money, chipleader 3bet me, I peel.
K95, he bets on larger side for this spr, I peel.
K95J, ding ding ding, I check, he checks
K95J2, I decide to check and rep pairs/9x/AQ/QJ/JT and hope he jams merged I.E AA/AK/KQ/KTs/bluffs, he jams pretty quickly, I beat him into the pot for the monster pot but he somehow has KK!

5K Main event

Had great time, grinded super hard through the bubble, most of the tournament I just had 5-20bbs and tried to play ICM well, got into the money and won AQ v 77 in really important pot and then spun up a bit. Got to day 3 and last 50 and was on table with Amadi who is v aggressive to raised to 1m at bb400k, very passive whale (limp/folded utg and was cold calling) tosses in a call, sb who was on looser side calls and I have 13m and 22. There is like 4m in the pot and I have 14m, would normally call, but Amadi had big stack, I jammed and he agonised and called 77, kind of annoying he has hand to call, but I'd jam again in same situation, I think he's just going to be way overfolding and the other money is close to dead.

So 5 tournament, 2 cashes, 5 runs really. Can learn from every run. Will learn from every run, but another series where I managed to give myself some sweats.

Played 3 sessions of cash, had 2 medium wins at 10/25 and one big win at 100/100.

Just got home today, but leaving to Gibraltar on business on Tuesday.

Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of  fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
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« Reply #8815 on: February 19, 2018, 04:50:46 AM »

Are you up at Dtd this week ?

Unfortunately not, I'm in Gibraltar Tue-Thur, I have been so busy that by the time I'm back I'm most likely just going to be in a sleeping coma for a few days.

Well done, Pleno.

Is there an additional commercial value to you playing more live events? Sell the brand a bit to the recreational and aspirational markets?

for bitB or party? I just play when I feel like it, I won't ever be forced into doing something that I don't want to. I try and add value other ways to both businesses (strategically)

Couple of questions for Pads when he gets a chance:

1) What was your thoughts when Phil showed the bluff with AT when you had 99 ( just been on stream)?

2) what was your thought process in your he hand vs Robert Binkley where you bluffed the river when the K hit to make 4 to a straight if someone had a J, he had top pair until the river (Q)? Pretty sure at the time James and Jack thought you were going to shove river.

1) His play was just very bad, made me feel great about how big my edge is in the tournament

2) i am at the bottom of my range, he has a lot of hands that can fold that I unblock (aka i don't have spades in my hand thus its more likely he has spades in his hand) he shouldnt have much Jx either, only AJ/JT/J9, some of those may bet turn, or consider betting river.

Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of  fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
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« Reply #8816 on: February 28, 2018, 02:36:31 AM »

Rozvadov was only 10 days ago?!?!?! It feels like literally 3 months lol, so much happened since then, so much happening every day and its pretty tough to stay on top of everything, struggle now to reap benefits in future lets hope.

A lot of the stuff I can't really disclose atm as its private, but have been to Gibraltar a couple of times on business and this weekend will go to Israel till Tuesday evening to conclude the business and then go straight to Barcelona for 8 days of bitB bootcamp.

Its all very exciting and gives us lots of opportunities for the future, but really sucks that I have to go and miss probably the 4th biggest Sunday of the year when ev should be really high with KO series and TCOOP series main events and every other tournament just becomes a lot bigger. Its not really the EV that I care about, its not even too bad to miss a super high variance Sunday, but these are the days I kind of look forward to and why I play poker, but I guess thats the reality that I have to take some kind of sacrifices for myself and team. The other guys will still be at the felt and fly the bitB flag high virtually.

We announced yesterday we will launch bitB Brazil on April 2nd (can't do April 1st Cheesy:D) which is insanely exciting. Such a huge market and really fun one to battle in.

Our goal is shaping up really nicely now.

bitB Global
bitB Secret
bitB Cash
bitB Spins
bitB Brazil
bitB France
bitB Hungary

The "secret" one should be announced very soon and will be as big if not bigger than our main "global" stable.

Outside of poker business, also getting involved in some exciting start ups, I like the role of investor/consultant, I think usually can quickly see if something logically doesn't make sense and can add value there working with people who are more specialist in certain area such as programming or data analysis etc etc. When things are more concrete can most more info there.

I've never felt better about actually playing poker though, just feel really on top of things. I am working on a few new strategies now that not one other reg in the world is doing, could be good, but could be awful Wink lets see.

I used to do this kinda fun strategies in the past too but would just speak with 1-2 guys about them, my obligation is obviously to share everything with bitB players so trend will quickly spread across game which kinda sucks for me a little bit but is really fun for me in other ways too.

Have just signed up for the draw for the $300k super high roller bowl, would love if I can get a seat there, lets see how much I will degen of own money there, its pretty good spot.

I guess my schedule looks like

End of Feb - Israel
March 7-15th - Barcelona bootcamp
April 7-15th - partypoker Barcelona
May 6-20th - SCOOP/Powerfest
May 27-31 - Super HighRoller Bowl

Then decide whether to stay in Vegas or not, staying till the end of July would be a big grind lol.

Oh well, busy year!

Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of  fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
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« Reply #8817 on: March 01, 2018, 02:55:11 PM »

Some schedule there, Pads.

Have to stay in Vegas, because the Nugget $570 won't be until the end of June Cheesy

Hope next week goes as well as I plan Cheltenham going!

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« Reply #8818 on: March 19, 2018, 03:46:35 AM »

Jesus, 20 days since I posted here. Literally probably busiest 20 days of my life lol

First up was Gibraltar, really productive business trip. Back for a couple of days then missed the huge sunday (tcoop main/ko series main Sad) to go to Israel on "emergency" business, it turned out to be an amazing trip and I think Tel Aviv is the one city I would really, really love to live in.

Came back at 7pm, the next day 11am I was flying to Barcelona for a 8 day bootcamp with bitB. Was so so so so fucking good. Really happy we did it, some of the friendships we make are for life. We did so much stuff, paintballing, formula 1, football, so many dinners, nights out and lots and lots of poker.

I came back and made big decision to just be a lot more healthier. I can't do things like cheat days and be balanced, I have to go full detox if I want to get healthy. So I cut out basically all the bad stuff completely.

Initial goals for this week:

- No drinks except water for 1 week
- No fries at all
- No chocolate/crisps/sweets etc at all, no sugar except in fruits
- Just clean eating multiple times/day
- Every day 1 hour walk (London is amazing to walk around)
- Every day at least 10 minutes of super hard cardio
- 2 60+ minutes of sport

Will check back in after the weekend if I broke anything and again after 1 week, instead of rewards, will work off punishments. If I don't do 3 weeks solid with no breaking of rules won't go to partypoker Barca.

My diet for the last 10 years has been nothing short of shocking. Fries minimum 5x/week, soda minimum 5x/week, chocolate/sweets minimum 5x/week. Anyway, incredibly motivated to boss this and get fully healthy again, its not nice being so out of shape when you were so competitive when you were younger.

Poker just feels amazing, was my first proper session back and did great, won the 888 1k for $35k, 2nd in Party $109 for $7.5k, another $10k score and bunch of runs. I really really love poker at the moment.

This year feels like its been going for 50 months, so much going on, so many projects, buisiness stuff, poker, important to keep on top of everything.

Will be looking to hire lots of different kinds of staff not necessarily poker focused, will post here when positions come up in short term.

Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of  fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
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« Reply #8819 on: March 19, 2018, 10:22:27 AM »

Still crushing.

Good luck with the healthy eating.

Quote from: action man
im not speculating, either, but id have been pretty peeved if i missed the thread and i ended up getting clipped, kindly accepting a lift home.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr
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