Hi, sorry for the delay but accidently wiped my answers as I was about to post earlier which was quite annoying so these might be a bit more condensed

1) My fav 2 footy teams are Arsenal and Newcastle. I used to be a really big fan of Alan Shearer so that made me like Newcastle by default really
Arsenal play awesome football and are the closest big team to me.
2) I currently don't have a sponsor and am not actively seeking one but would be willing to take the right offer should it come along if not then i'll carry on as normal.
3) EPTs are way tougher.I get recognised more for my online name outside of the uk. The games are slightly tougher I would say with NLH becoming almost unplayable.
I do think PLO has evolved with more emphasis on preflop play but the standard is still pretty bad overall people are just spewing in different spots.
4) I don't know what i'm going to be doing tomorrow never mind in 10 years time! I would love to win some more big tournaments and am definitely not a settle for one big
score kinda guy.
5) My ideal world table would be: Me, Phil Ivey, Patrik Antonius, Daniel Negreanu, Sammy Farha, Eli Elezra, Shane Warne, Phil Hellmuth and Durrr.
6) I watch some cardrunners videos and talk through situations with friends to make sure my feel for the game is still good. I would advise watching good players and seeing
what they are doing. Also, read and watch as much material as you can as it all helps but most importantly play loads as that is the only way to get better.
7) I got a big stack by flopping golden (flopped flush v set and top 2), lost a race, blinded off and ran KQ into AA all in all a very standard tournament!