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The Best In The Business
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Topic: The Best In The Business (Read 1560164 times)
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7590 on:
February 16, 2016, 03:22:37 PM »
i'll put this in here, as its related
"Jonathan Gill is a rising star in the online MTT world. Like TJ Jurkiewicz, he found success by tapping reserves of hard work, discipline, and perseverance that he never knew he had, and like TJ, he’s documenting his journey in a popular 2+2 thread. Our conversation covers how Jonathan discovered his passion for poker, his first industry job with Dusk Till Dawn casino, his experiences playing on a stake and receiving coaching from some of the top players on the ‘net, and his own work training the stable’s newest players. It’s an interesting look, from an entertaining guy, into the world of online stake houses (among other things)."
a very interesting listen
My eyes are open wide
By the way,I made it through the day
I watch the world outside
By the way, I'm leaving out today
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7591 on:
February 16, 2016, 06:17:52 PM »
Day 2 of the main.. I saved every single hand I vpiped. Really think this is a good way to knee track of thing and think it's pretty cool for the blog.
Hand 1
Fish limps button I complete sb, bub check
T65dd (I have k2dd) I check, bb leads 1500, button raises 4000, I fold.
I contemplated leading and normally I would but I didn't know either of these guys so thought check/evaluate was best.
Hand 2
I make it 1800 from cut off , bub winamax pro calls
I bet 800 on q74cxx (j7cc) he folds
I spoke about this yesterday. Lots of merits for using this sizing with these positions.
Hand 3
Bryn makes it 1800 in cut off I defend bub (85dd)
Flop kj2ssc check check
Turn kj25sscc check bet 2400, call
River kj25q check bet 7100, fold
Really close turn spot. I think fold is definitely best in hindsight for sure especially against this particular opponent and his tendencies.
Hand 4
Folds to me on button I fold j6o into unknown bub (seems right)
Happy with this.
Hand 5
Mercier limps utg I limp cut off (t8hh), btn limps, sb+B complete
Flop at6r I bet 800, btn makes it 2100 I call
Turn at6tfd, I lead 2100, he snap calls
River at6t5, I check he checks back
Really interesting hand, think limping behind vs mercier is the best play. Flop again I think tonne of merits for this soaking, one of them is very cheap to call a raise. Turn I think lead is very good, people will be extremely stubborn and will call all gutshots and turned flush draws etc. river I think is good spot to check, he doesn't have many good bluffcatchers, AJ pre isos pre flop so his best bluffcatchers hand in hand strength is a9, I think the likely hood of him bluffing missed gutshots goes up significantly after I lead turn so small and think it's highest ev line.
New table very nice. Very soft.
Raise 1800 mp a2dd, crazy polish guy raises 3700, I call
Flop jt6r check check
Turn jt63 (my fd) check check
River jt637, I lead 3200, he calls kto
Interesting river spot here I think. I think that bluffing is good though, think he bets tx enough on turn/flop for his river range to be very weak and he shouldn't have any pocket pairs pre flop.
Hand 7
Lennart opens cut off I defend bub 7d6h
Flop 953hhx I c/c 2100
Turn 9534hhxh I lead 4200 he calls
River 95348 I jam 18k he tanks I show
he calls 8x I get one round penalty.
So absurd stuff like this is so fun for the game, shouldn't be discouraged
Really like how I played this hand. I call it "range advantage thingy" and speak a lot in my stable about it. I think showing the
is really sexy too but sorry to investors that I got a round penalty.
Hand 8
I open 2300 a7hh, Argentina reg makes it 6000 from co I call
Flop ak2r, checks through
Turn ak29, check call 4000
River ak29j check check he shows a9???
No idea why he's checking river. Pre flop super unnecessary from him.
Hand 9
Very aggro polish guy raises 2000 pre, snail flats do off 30, I flat sb AThh
Flop j87ccx I check/fold to snail
I don't think leading is good vs these opponents.
Hand 10
Open 44 in cut off to 2400 with 36k, bub peels
Flop j65r I bet 2100
Turn I bet 6700, he folds
Think this is a good line to take. Flop is very close between give up and start betting for protection by I think on j65 instead of say q87 it's good to potentially triple diple a tonne of turns
Hand 11
Polish reg limps utg, Mickey Peterson 4x, I make it 11800, he jams 45k ish I call black AA he has red Kk
Flop is Ah x xh xh xh
Very very sad to bust. Was completely feeling fine and would have been 90k+ at 1kbb. Really happy with decision to buy in today but to be honest extremely frustrated about busting another EPt. I think I'm 0/10 or something sleuth average all in equity in every tournament of over 70% for pots of on average 3-4x starting stack. I really feel like my play is really suited to EPTs Probabky more so than any other tournament. I really like to exploit bad players and like to play against weaker regs. The fields are really fantastic. I feel so comfortable playing live as well, I really enjoy it. But obviously the more tournaments I bust people will doubt me and that's what hurt me mentally previously. I know that I'm playing great but I have that feeling hat 1 or 2 more unlucky runs (standard running bad over small sample size obviously ) could push me closer in that direction that I was previously but right now I'm happy, in good spirits and feeling amazing about my game. Try and get them next time.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 12782
Lazy , Hazy days
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7592 on:
February 16, 2016, 06:42:47 PM »
Excellent write ups , thanks for sharing.
Quote from: action man
im not speculating, either, but id have been pretty peeved if i missed the thread and i ended up getting clipped, kindly accepting a lift home.
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr
Hero Member
Posts: 24288
"He's always at it!"
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7593 on:
February 16, 2016, 07:03:49 PM »
Silly question, but when you say
saved every hand
, do you mean you wrote it down after the hand, typed it on your ipad/phone or just committed it to memory?
Sillier question, perhaps, but I note you never refer to what you actually see. You have spent a lot of time playing live and there must be a huge range of abilities and experience in these fields. Good luck getting a live tell off Mercier, but the weaker players or those who very rarely see daylight must give you some information here and there, even if it's only hints of comfort or discomfort?
I'd be interested to hear what helps you decide someone is a weak player. The old guy who spends half his time working out the chip denominations could be a professor of game theory or a $10/20 boss. I expect you see things in how they act, who they are watching, what catches their attention, their reactions at seeing tabled hands and so on. Someone who 8Xs pre with Ace King and then tables it when everyone folds before exclaiming with a smile "I never win with this hand. It's the only way to play it", I can work that one out. What about the rest?
"You must take your opponent into a deep, dark forest, where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one"
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7594 on:
February 16, 2016, 07:14:51 PM »
Quote from: Tal on February 16, 2016, 07:03:49 PM
Silly question, but when you say
saved every hand
, do you mean you wrote it down after the hand, typed it on your ipad/phone or just committed it to memory?
Sillier question, perhaps, but I note you never refer to what you actually see. You have spent a lot of time playing live and there must be a huge range of abilities and experience in these fields. Good luck getting a live tell off Mercier, but the weaker players or those who very rarely see daylight must give you some information here and there, even if it's only hints of comfort or discomfort?
I'd be interested to hear what helps you decide someone is a weak player. The old guy who spends half his time working out the chip denominations could be a professor of game theory or a $10/20 boss. I expect you see things in how they act, who they are watching, what catches their attention, their reactions at seeing tabled hands and so on. Someone who 8Xs pre with Ace King and then tables it when everyone folds before exclaiming with a smile "I never win with this hand. It's the only way to play it", I can work that one out. What about the rest?
I wrote down immediately after every hand. Definitely can get a lot more tells off people like Mercier but I don't want to write reads on individual people except for stuff like the j2 where I don't know who villain is. For example, knowing Mercier is tilted at just losing 10k at chinese on his phone, he's more like to not fold to a 3bet, or will defend his bb wider. If he's really into the chinese on his phone then he's likely to be tighter pre flop with opening etc.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 24288
"He's always at it!"
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7595 on:
February 16, 2016, 07:18:25 PM »
Quote from: pleno1 on February 16, 2016, 07:14:51 PM
Quote from: Tal on February 16, 2016, 07:03:49 PM
Silly question, but when you say
saved every hand
, do you mean you wrote it down after the hand, typed it on your ipad/phone or just committed it to memory?
Sillier question, perhaps, but I note you never refer to what you actually see. You have spent a lot of time playing live and there must be a huge range of abilities and experience in these fields. Good luck getting a live tell off Mercier, but the weaker players or those who very rarely see daylight must give you some information here and there, even if it's only hints of comfort or discomfort?
I'd be interested to hear what helps you decide someone is a weak player. The old guy who spends half his time working out the chip denominations could be a professor of game theory or a $10/20 boss. I expect you see things in how they act, who they are watching, what catches their attention, their reactions at seeing tabled hands and so on. Someone who 8Xs pre with Ace King and then tables it when everyone folds before exclaiming with a smile "I never win with this hand. It's the only way to play it", I can work that one out. What about the rest?
I wrote down immediately after every hand. Definitely can get a lot more tells off people like Mercier but I don't want to write reads on individual people except for stuff like the j2 where I don't know who villain is. For example, knowing Mercier is tilted at just losing 10k at chinese on his phone, he's more like to not fold to a 3bet, or will defend his bb wider. If he's really into the chinese on his phone then he's likely to be tighter pre flop with opening etc.
Fair enough. Suspected that it was just you don't want to post about that sort of thing on individual reads. It did occur to me to ask, though, to see whether or to what extent you factor what you see into your considerations.
"You must take your opponent into a deep, dark forest, where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one"
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7596 on:
February 17, 2016, 05:03:04 AM »
Played a nice session in hotel with Euro. He came 2nd in 109c and 3rd in 320 6max, I just finished 2nd in $600 on 888 for $15k, pretty happy with the result, really played vg.
This is pretty sick hand 5 left,
Dealt to pads1161 [
JustGamblin folds
phaplap folds
lepunt raises [$21,250]
pads1161 raises [$63,333]
OMGmadafaka folds
hellohellooo folds
lepunt raises [$328,856]
pads1161 calls [$286,773]
Dealing flop [
Dealing turn [
Dealing river [
lepunt shows [
, As ]
pads1161 shows [
lepunt collected [ $722,712 ]
Stacks are
He is literally burning money jamming JJ/TT here vs my actual range, its crazy that he can really punt this in with A4s, I'm not being bitter btw, I came 2nd, thats a great result, just find it crazy high stakes crushers can do this kind of thing. I think tis exactly the kind of thing that happens in live tournaments, way, way too much ego and people petrified that people are "going after them"
Here is if I'm going after him a little bit (12.8% of all hands) I would be flatting a tonne here in these positions so that means I'm vpiping against him extremely wide..
Click to see full-size image.
Even if I 3bet 15% (+ peel an additional v wide range) he still doesn't have a profitable jam
Click to see full-size image.
I think its a very clear limp pre for him anyway with his whole range here anyway.
Anyway, whatever, math is idiotic. Wasn't ranting I promise, was actually really intrigued in the results after because at the time I was like wtffffff and then in game I thought, hey perhaps it isn't THAT bad because he is v good reg.
Was also my first 3bet vs him so far on this final table, if he did think I was going absolutely bananas with a 20% 3bet + a peeling range, then he could raise and 4bjam almost every single hand.
Click to see full-size image.
The thing is, this is not super unrealistic range and in certain spots people will be even wider, so there will definitely be spots 4bet jamming A4s will be good, but you're literally just guessing or gambling on big big pay jumps simply on trying to "own" and "out level" people, I think you basically have 2 options, raise and decide if you think he's fucking with you and go all in and risk all your chips if you think he is, or.. create a very good limping range and take him to the streets.
Click to see full-size image.
This crazy range has all the KQo, KJo, QJ, QTo etc that are preeetttyy easy flats, so the range is obviously extremely exaggerated.
Booked a flight home to Budapest for tomorrow, not sure if I will get it tomorrow or if I'll stay and play the 10k high roller on Thursday, really undecided right now, lets see how I sleep.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7597 on:
February 18, 2016, 01:05:23 AM »
How do people prefer my updates, the hand by hand or longer paragraph stuff? Playing the $10k tomorrow so was wondering what people thought. If I wrote 30 hands is that really too much? I will write them anyway, think its a very good thing for my game, but wondered whats the easiest way to digest as a reader, any other info to add etc?
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 12782
Lazy , Hazy days
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7598 on:
February 18, 2016, 10:52:55 AM »
Quote from: pleno1 on February 18, 2016, 01:05:23 AM
How do people prefer my updates, the hand by hand or longer paragraph stuff?
Either is good for me , thoroughly enjoy all your updates.
Quote from: action man
im not speculating, either, but id have been pretty peeved if i missed the thread and i ended up getting clipped, kindly accepting a lift home.
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7599 on:
February 18, 2016, 10:55:55 AM »
I don't mind either way Patrick, personally I don't read many hand descriptions, but plenty do.
However, if you want to retain the readers attention, short posts are far far better than long posts. The longer the post, the less likely the reader reads it all, or properly.
Break a long post into 5 short posts, & the readership & interest will be much higher. Same words, just broken into bite sized chunks.
Last Edit: February 18, 2016, 11:19:28 AM by tikay
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
Hero Member
Posts: 2645
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7600 on:
February 18, 2016, 11:17:04 AM »
Smaller bite sized chunks please
I've just done exactly what tikay said
Gl in the ten k
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7601 on:
February 19, 2016, 03:35:30 AM »
I wrote down every single hand I vpiped today. I wrote a message to myself after every 1 level. At the start is my initial pre session notes.
I will post one levels worth of notes each day, every day until there is no hours left. Weirdly in the first one hour I played the most amount of hands of any level so far. Here goes anyway..
Bolded parts are my post game thoughts.
€10k high roller, bullet 1.
Pre game notes:
- don't need to talk, don't need to chat, here for business.
-Don't need to try and impress anybody but myself
- don't need to talk in big pots, against good players it will give off strength
- don't feel that tanking is going to get on some ballets nerves, it's a big tournament for me, take your own pace
- think about Sizings and frequencies. If I'm betting a lot of my range vs better very polar then think about how to size each street
- my image against some of these guys is spewy/trying too hard, think about that in big important pots where they will make exploitable calls, it's fine to give up.
First table
Diego Ventura
Hand 1
Open to 800 from mp with aqdd, bub folds (I don't want to play with you) unknown looks at me.
New table
Darrel Gao
Luc greenwood
Pierre Neuville
Two unknowns
Hand 2
Open to 800 utg with AKred, Darrel calls
Flop 667r I Cbet 700, he calls
Turn 777qfd check check
776q4 bdfd completes he bets 4650 I fold
Actually a little bit unhappy about this hand. I think ak is good bluffcatchers on the river. I don't block any draws, I block his best qx that may value bet and ak >> 99 here. I also block aa/Kk that could flat pre bb vs utg
Hand 3
Darrel open cut off I flat button kjo
Flop 442r Cbet 700/fold
No backdoor flush draws, easy give up
Hand 4
I open KJ 800 in cut off, timex flats button, Pierre bub
T52ssx I Cbet 500, both fold
I wanted early in the tournament to use a small bet sizing and didn't think I'd get played back at here too often so went for the small flop sizing. It's incorporated heavily into my game but in hrs it's a little bit tougher to do so was happy to get this implemented e
Hand 5
I open A7hh 800 in cut off, Luc greenwood 3bets 2650, I call.
Flop 863hxx I c/call 3000
Turn 863k I c/f 5000
I think both pre and flop are pretty close. I don't mind folding either street. I think turn gets checked through often enough and I can bluff rivers. Pre flop is close, 4betting large is perhaps best vs his linear range. I think r/f definitely fine option too, in hindsight if I could play it again I think all options are close, folding perhaps being slightly superior.
Hand 6
Pierre 800 co, unknown btn calls, I defend bub kdtx
Flop a92ddx I c/f to 1200
Not a bad hand to c/r blocking am and blocking flush draws whilst still potentially being able to barrel turn and river huge. I think letting this go is good as I've vpiped a high % so far
Hand 7
I limp bvb with JJ, timex makes it 1000
Flop I c/c a5jhhx 1000
Turn I c/c a5jahhss 2500
River I lead 6200 a5ja4hhssh he makes it 21000, I call he has a5
Really interesting hand. I think pre flop limping everything is good, I think 3bettong is a fine option but I think I prefer flatting. Flop is standard call, turn is close, if we never expect him to fold ax ott then I think it's good to raise, I don't think I have much bluffs here both in reality or perceived so think flatting is the only option.
River is
and I think he will check back some weaker ax hands will often check back river, I think that whilst I don't have that many bluffs I think my perceived image vs him is that I will click too many button here. I make it 6200 and he stares at me for a whole and makes it 21000. I think he can raise worse for value and whilst it's obviously a bad spot I don't necessarily expect him to raise a5o and a4o pre flop and I block AJ really hard. He could also raise hearts for value occasionally. Very important hand, kind of word hand, I think post flop I like my line but unsure about pre flop, anybody limp/3bets?
Hand 8 very next hand
I open xx on the button to 800, timex 3bets to 2500 sb
Flop q82 I bet 1200, he calls
Turn q82q I bet 2300, he folds
Hand 9 150/300
I limp 300 w/64cc in hijac on pierres blind greenwood makes it 1000 otb. I fold
Level 1 thoughts, played good. Unlucky hand with timex, don't worry about it though. Table maybe thinks I'm steaming, feeling completely fine though. 22k at 400bb is great. This stack I still have to 3bet somewhat linear, low 3bet % is probably best here. Limp a lot with timex and greenwood on my left. Feeling uncomfortable when timex is staring at me as he's on my direct left and very close to me. consider different stance vs him, everything else extremely comfortable. My vpip is very high right now, but all hands seem fine this deep for sure. Understand how others who haven't seen showdowns view that.
So that's - that. A disappointing first level, one obviously crucially big hand vs timex. Check back tomorrow for level 2
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Global Moderator
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Posts: 19095
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7602 on:
February 20, 2016, 12:38:12 AM »
I like the style of the post above, and the way you give your thoughts.
Keep plenty of real life stuff too, think that's what keeps a lot of people interested.
Keefy is back
But for how long?
Hero Member
Posts: 24288
"He's always at it!"
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7603 on:
February 20, 2016, 12:46:32 AM »
Quote from: celtic on February 20, 2016, 12:38:12 AM
I like the style of the post above, and the way you give your thoughts.
Keep plenty of real life stuff too, think that's what keeps a lot of people interested.
Couldn't agree more. It's an excellent, varied diary.
"You must take your opponent into a deep, dark forest, where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one"
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7604 on:
February 20, 2016, 02:57:15 AM »
Level 1 thoughts, played good. Unlucky hand with timex, don't worry about it though. Table maybe thinks I'm steaming, feeling completely fine though. 22k at 400bb is great. This stack I still have to 3bet somewhat linear, low 3bet % is probably best here. Limp a lot with timex and greenwood on my left. Feeling uncomfortable when timex is staring at me as he's on my direct left and very close to me. consider different stance vs him, everything else extremely comfortable. My vpip is very high right now, but all hands seem fine this deep for sure. Understand how others who haven't seen showdowns view that.
Level 2
Hand 10
I folded for an orbit or so, dynolot mid deep convo with timex opens to 1100, Connor drinan makes it 3000 from the cut off I have 99 and 21k on the button and fold
This is very soon after the big timex hand. Connor is extremely aggressive so very easy to potentially go with this, but I think pretty great disciplined fold
Hand 11
I open ATs co to 1000, sb and bub call
Flop t88hhx I Cbet 800, sb folds, bub makes it 3500, I call
Turn t886hhss he bets 7k (I have 16 total) weird , but I call.
River t886q hhssh he goes all in (9k effective) I fold
Mind fuck of a hand. Usually when I bet this sizing and I have at I just have SUCH a nutted hand to bluffcatch. I don't block any cards of potential spew, of course I won't love life, but would be pretty easy call down. His turn sizing was just completely wtf thiugh, almost pot sized bet with spr or just over 2. So peculiar and just makes such little sense to me. I think call turn usually with this spr isn't particularly good, but I think I'd just usually shrug fold all jt/qt/t9
And then continue calling down 8x/tt/97 and then at and potentially tx with a fd aswell. River completes some stuff of course I think just shrug fold this combo is fine.
Hand 12
Luc open 1000, dynolot call I call bub a3hx
Flop 643hhx I lead 1200, Luc fold, dyno calls
Turn 6432 check check
River 64328 check check I win somehow
I have pot sized bet left on the turn here, I think my flop lead is very good 3 way vs ep open and cold call. I don't think shoving with 0% on the turn is a good idea. I'd shove any heart. Not sure how he lets me win on the river, maybe ak/aq but seems somewhat ambitious.
Table is currently 6 handed. Now 7 handed, Ludo on direct right.
Hand 13
200/400 I limp k6 bvb timex checks
K97r I check/call 600
K974 I c/call 1500
K974q I c/call 3500
Another extremely tough hand. Sucky sucky spot. I know timex is definitely capable of triple barreling I saw he lost his stack tripling 35 on some high card board and have seen multiple times he's bet bet bet with the bottom of his range so decided to start checking flop. Betting flop seems fine too, I think both is wte really. River hurts but I don't think he has q7/q9 here basically ever and I think kq always raises pre flop can my limp, so the queen isn't that bad. He has k7 and we lose.
End of level thoughts. Down to 5k. Feeling a little frustrated, always seem to have the second best hand. Confident in how I'm playing. 10bbs is still totally fine, no reason to punt. One or two all In
and stack totally playable.
This just seemed to be a brutal level for me, seemed like I had the second best hand in every hand and was very unfortunate. As people did know I made day 2 though, so check back tomorrow where I may start making the best hand a little bit more often.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
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