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The Best In The Business
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Topic: The Best In The Business (Read 1560135 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7605 on:
February 20, 2016, 04:45:35 AM »
Additional discussion. What do people think about this kind of write up? Too much time? Takes 10 days to do a report on one tournament. Or it's ok? I'm really unsure so def interested. Maybe 2 a day?
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 2003
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7606 on:
February 20, 2016, 05:23:13 AM »
Really interesting and good to read.
On the JJ vs Timex when you lead the river, what hands do you think you can get to the river & lead with?
Always feels like an absurdly strong line when someone leads the river as their first aggressive action in a hand, but that may be based on tendencies of players much less able than those playing at your level.
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7607 on:
February 20, 2016, 05:57:23 AM »
Hey I think vs me he may think I turn hands like jhkx jhqx kqss, ktss, qtss etc. I think he will struggle to fold ax vs me in this spot.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 12782
Lazy , Hazy days
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7608 on:
February 20, 2016, 01:17:42 PM »
Quote from: jakally on February 20, 2016, 05:23:13 AM
Really interesting and good to read.
Quote from: action man
im not speculating, either, but id have been pretty peeved if i missed the thread and i ended up getting clipped, kindly accepting a lift home.
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7609 on:
February 20, 2016, 04:35:12 PM »
Level 3
End of level thoughts. Down to 5k. Feeling a little frustrated, always seem to have the second best hand. Confident in how I'm playing. 10bbs is still totally fine, no reason to punt. One or two all In
and stack totally playable.
Hand 14
I jam 5800 on the button with j9dd bub has kj I lose
Very first hand after break, easy fistpump jam, unfortunately he has one of those hands that crushes me #neverlucky
New bullet.
Thoughts: its fine to be frustrated but let's not moan and let's not be negative. Negative energy will make me play inferior. The field is big and my roi is big, I played good and just was unlucky. No problemo. New bullet let's take extra few seconds for thoughts and decisions, keep mentally strong till dinner and just continue making good decisions
New table is absolutely amazing. Best table on the room, 7 handed. 3 fish and no top regs. Let's not try to run them over though, slow and steady is fine. Pierre Neuville on direct right, 3bet Iso somewhat linear.
Hand 1
Fish reg opens to 1200 I defended bub 87
Flop t82 I c/call 1700
Turn t828 I bet 3200 he shoves 9000 with kqo
Fun hand. This player I play with online a lot. He is high stakes reg but I think I know exactly how he plays and how stubborn he is. He likes to tilt once he's down a little bit. In this spot I think whenever he has hands like k/a high he will convince himself somehow that I have a draw and that his high cards don't block my draws and when he has a pair he will hold on. His jam with kq is pretty funny though. Amazing to start this new bullet well, puts me in over 60k and that's really nice feeling after the previous bullet. Let's fucking go Papi
Hand 2
Reg opens hijac to 1300 I call 44 button
He checks j92 I bet 500 bub folds, he calls
Turn j929 I bet 1200, he folds
I should have paid attention, I didn't see bub was in the hand because I was stacking chips. Leave chips until I'm out of a hand.
Again doing the small bet strategy with a big part of my range. I think in general it works well, I think my hand needs somewhat protection here and worst comes to worst I lose 500+1200 (he raised to 1300 pre) so probably less than if he bet the flop himself etc. bit of momentum.
Hand 3
I raise utg to 1300 with 88
Utg1 and co call, button makes it 4200 (off 50k) I fold. Close spot. Interesting.
Really interesting spot I think and shows just how good squeezing is. His sizing is pretty small but still extremely effective. I don't really squeeze often/at all in these tournaments but perhaps that's a leak. If he made it less than 4K I would call but he would never do that when its 4 way. I like my decision to fold in game these are the spots that I end up bleeding chips with.
Play few hands where I defend and c/f not noteworthy
Find out two of the guys are Hellzito and decano
Hand 4
I limp button k5o, Sylvain loosli makes it 1800 I fold
I wanted to limp something early and felt like with my momentum they wouldn't go after me too wide and establishing s limping dynamic would be good.
Hand 4
Co raises 1300 I defend k8cs
Flop t97 checks through
Turn t97qccss I bet 1400, he makes it 4500, I fold. Interesting.
Very unsure what he's representing here. Maybe he raises qx for showdown that allows him to not face a huge river bet whilst charging my lairs+draws? Considered 3betting turn as I have spade and club blockers in my hand and can have every 86/j8 combo and top of his range is probably q9, but I decided against it this town. Think aggressive here could be good, but not huge mistake to fold.
Hand 5
Vamplee raises, 1 call I call JTs in sb
He cbets 4 way on kt4 and I fold
I think again this is a good disciplined fold, don't need to start calling spots just because I've folded a few. Often when you're getting a good price and go multi way you get a lot of spots like this where you have awkward hands, important to minimize losses with them and don't just start calling because of ifs and buts.
Hand 6
I limp button a8o, vamplew 1700, I fold, meh.
Very next hand after the JTs. Again limping I think is ok, raising is good too, mixture of both is probably fine. Vs his raise limp/raising is option but I think he's linear and will flat my limp/raise often and post flop my hand has very poor playability. Maybe limp/raising ATs could be pretty sexy.
End of level in game thoughts: started amazingly, lost maybe 6/7 hands so far by c/f but that's fine I'll keep c/f 30 hands in a row if I have an unfortunate part of my range each time, other times I'll have more continuable parts of my range
End of level post game thoughts: very happy that I made 5/6 standard folds. Making no mistakes is really important and one mistake can really fuck things up. I was very focused and really playing good this level I think, albeit somewhat standard although I think the 87 was a good turn lead vs this opponent
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 5369
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7610 on:
February 20, 2016, 07:50:54 PM »
Don't you think people over cbet those kt4 boards a bit too much? It might not be true enough in live poker but I feel like with the price we can take one off and play pretty perfectly. Or just c/r and yolo (I would never here fwiw)
[21:05:17] Andrew W: you wasted a non spelling mistakepost?
[21:11:08] Patrick Leonard: oll
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7611 on:
February 20, 2016, 08:13:20 PM »
some people may, but not good regs i don't think, Vamplew is very solid. The hands he bets that we beat we block very hard, qj, aj, j9s and they have good equity against us. His bet range on this flop is insanely strong multi way.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Sr. Member
Posts: 752
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7612 on:
February 20, 2016, 08:23:25 PM »
The past couple of months I've noticed a lot of people online applying the limp/adaptation of small ball strategy. They don't fold as much as you do though to a raise, and as a result it becomes easy to play againest, by just calling post flop when they bet the min and you have a mid strength draw type of hand, and then raising when you have it as again they don't tend to fold to this action or slow playing.
I would be interested to know the science behind this, and how the maths hold up againest standard lines?
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7613 on:
February 21, 2016, 03:22:45 AM »
Level 4
End of level thoughts: started amazingly, lost maybe 6/7 hands so far by c/f but that's fine I'll keep c/f 30 hands in a row if I have an unfortunate part of my range each time, other times I'll have more continuable parts of my range
Hand 7
Pierre raises 1500 bvb i call with 95o and fold on at4 fd to 2100
I don't think pre flop is very close at all. 94o is interesting though. Flop I think very srd
Folded for an orbit.
Hand 8
Pierres limps bvb I check 62o and fold to lead on 977r
Again very std, would raise 62s vs him though.
Hand 9
Decano opens utg (30k) 1400 i 3bet button ATo to 4100 he folds.
Decent candidate for 3bet bluff
Hand 10
Sylvain opens utg to 1500 I defend bub with qjss
Flop he bets 1500 on q72ddx I call
Turn he bets 3650 on q723ddxx I call
River he bets 12300 on q7232 I call he has 33
Really importantly bad hand. Was very unsure on the river, I didn't block flop flush draw, my read was that he would be opening pretty wide so def all a4/a5s conbos and a bunch of fd combos. Definitely an ok combo, don't block diamonds, don't block have 54s, a4s, a5s, 65s. He bets really big on the river so it's a pretty tough spot. In game my read was that he would think my range was pretty weak and likely crumble to the huge bet whilst still using this kind of sizing with 77/22/33 but then again I assumed he would fold 22/33 pre flop so I was struggling to give him that many value conbos, potentially Kk/aa is his most likely combos for this sizing, my hand actually plays decent well as a jam. I don't block his b/f range (I don't think he bets qx like this, I can definitely have q2/32s/22/qq kind of hands that would value Jam river his b/c range would usually be 77/qq (assuming he folds 22/33 pre) and I have perfect stack to jam (around 100bbs at start of hand) if I jam anything qj prob a good hand to do it with as I don't block his b/f range (Kk/aa) in hindsight Probably jamming here is best, although maybe if I only jam q7 #lolpotentiallymerge it might just be fine. I don't hate myself for calling here though, although it's of course very sucky spot. mentally at this point I was very sad to see he had turned trip threes, the early work and discipline seemed to have been waste of time almost, but wasn't really that tilted at all
Hand 11
I limp button a4dd they check
Flop q32xcc I bet 600, Sylvain calls
Turn q326 Sylvain leads 1800 I make it 6300 he fodls
This was interesting, before I looked at my cards I told the blinds (they had both raised my limps last two orbits) that I promised I wouldn't limp here, I looked then limped. On the flop Sylvain seemed really surprised by my tiny bet, I think he is always raising 2 pairs/sets here and very likely leading gutshots and straight draws so I think my turn raise is pretty good and I think my fold equity in game was a lot higher than say an online hand where somebody would lead here and there's no additional information
Hand 12
Pierre opens to 1400 I call hijac with 22 bub calls
A96fd checks round
A962 #nevrlucky he bets 3500 I make it 10000 he calls
River a9627 fd completes I jam 25k he calls ajo
I think betting flop would be disaster vs him and raising the turn is absolutely mandatory as he will b/c, c wayyyyyyy too often with weak ace and the ev of hoping he bets kq on the river is just way too low.
Dinner thoughts in game:
Really nice to get to 70k now. For the last 90 minutes I chattered a lot, spoke too much, think I made all correct decisions so very confident. Let's make sure there's no winners tilt and not start too fast after the break. Come back in and see how people are feeling post dinner. Assume Pierre is tilted at this point. Lfg papiiiiiiii
Dinner thoughts post game:
I was really happy at dinner, feeling fantastic and knew that I had an amazing table. I went quickly after dinner from one of the best tables in the room to Probably the toughest where I'd get bashed about abit, make a couple of failed bluffs and learn some stuff too.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 1768
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7614 on:
February 21, 2016, 10:21:59 AM »
Liking the updates, best of luck for the rest of the trip.
Hero Member
Posts: 15127
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7615 on:
February 21, 2016, 01:41:09 PM »
Played with Urbanovich much? How good is he???
Ole Ole Ole Ole!
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7616 on:
February 23, 2016, 10:47:46 PM »
Really nice to get to 70k now. For the last 90!'inites o chattered a lot, spoke too much, think I made all correct decisions so very confident. Let's make sure there's no winners tilt and not start too fast after the break. Come back in and see how people are feeling post dinner. Assume Pierre is tilted at this point.
First level after dinner 400/800
Hand 13
Myzikant raises button to 1700 I fold j5o
Debatable. I'm fine with it though. J7o is bottom of snap defend range
Hand 14
Decano makes it 1800 I flat sb Sylvain flats bub
Flop/turn qt3a checks through
River qt3aq I bet 4600 they fold
I had KQ. Interesting spot but I think betting is best. Only value betting AKs/kqo and better so bigger sizing seems good
New table
Charlie Carrel, Bryn Kenney, Nick Palma? Moshin, 3 unknowns
Hand 15
I open 1800 44, to 1800 Bryn 3bets 5100 I call
Flop q65fd c/f 6100
, raising small here would be higher ev than folding imo but had just sat down, no idea who's tilting etc and think folding is fine option.
New table after one hand
Lilacha, Mercier, volgesang, Jared Jaffee, Lithuanian ukipt winner and unknown fish
Very happy about this table
Hand 16
Christopher opens 2100 utg (800bb) I fold kqo utg1 7 handed
I think this is standard fold but somewhat noteworthy.
Hand 17
I raise a9ss utg we go 4 way to k92fd flop checked to mercier in position who bets, I call
I c/f to k92q turn barrel
I think flop is very close I don't like betting flop as usually I'm going to check turn and get bluffed somewhere. I think my c/c range will look strong to mercier and I don't think he will go crazy. River would be easy bluff if turn checked through, turn trivial fold vs bet
Hand 17
Jared Jaffee opens for 4th hand in succession to 2k, I flat ajo button fish flats.
Flop 986fd Jared cbets 3800 I fold.
Hand 17
I open utg1 with ak to 1900 Jared flats bub
I Cbet 1300 on a72r and he folds
Again, uninteresting,'standard.
Hand 18
I open 87cc utg to 1900 Jason mercier flats hijac
I Cbet 1400 on a66ss he calls
I bet 4100 on a669 and he Folds
Easy turn barrel, very standard again
Hand 19
Volgesang limps sb dealer starts to deal I say wowowwww and she stops, I make it 2300 with j9ss he makes it 7100 I make it 14400 he folds
Pretty weird hand. I'd basically never 4bet this combo in a million years, i think he's going to limp and not fold very often at all so I'm prob going to be somewhat linear here i.e. J9s ahead of 73o etc. especially against volgesang when I'm on a dream table. I'm ok giving away some edge playing lower variance and not playing by pots with terrible hands against him in general. When he clicks it and there was the hoohah with the dealer I was very unsure. I had great stacks to 4bf here and I doubt he's going to have that much value combos here. He's also the last person in the room to ever ever ever 5bshove light here. It felt at the time like the right play even though in hindsight I'd only
ever call the 3bet initially.
After the hand he said "niiiiiiice bluff" and I said "what do you mean" and he said "you know with the dealer and the flop" I looked at him and said "I don't know what you mean, I just play my ranges" for anybody who doesn't get this reference check the Malta 10k report
Hand 20
I raise q9o in button to 1900, fish flats sb
I bet 2300 on k73r and he folds
Sized up a little than standard against fish to get additional fold equity from stubborn ace highs or some back door flush draws etc
Hand 21
I raise kqo 1900 in cut off, mercier folds bub
Hand 22
Jared raises utg I flat 44 in hijac we go four way to flop
A7a Jared bets 4100 I fold
End of level thoughts.
Slumped down a little bit for first half of level lost a few 8-15k pots. These lots are crucial for my tournament survival. I've chipped back up now let's maybe avoid some marginal spots, fold to more 3bets, c/f a couple of flops etc. 3 levels left, let's stay absolute a game.
Was relatively happy with this level. Just played solid made a bunch of close/good folds pre flop that I didn't document. Not many interesting post flop hands I guess the a9s I could fold flop hit I have bdfd and I think it's fine. Better than calling Jj or qq Probably.
Back tomorrow when I get moved to the table of death
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7617 on:
February 23, 2016, 10:49:11 PM »
Quote from: George2Loose on February 21, 2016, 01:41:09 PM
Played with Urbanovich much? How good is he???
My read is that technically he isn't great at poker but he probably has one of the top 10 instincts in the game. Similar to Ivey I guess, he knows when people are fucking with him.
Very nice guy and very well liked in the hs community.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Sr. Member
Posts: 509
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7618 on:
February 25, 2016, 12:35:10 AM »
Quote from: pleno1 on February 23, 2016, 10:47:46 PM
Hand 17
I raise a9ss utg we go 4 way to k92fd flop checked to mercier in position who bets, I call
I c/f to k92q turn barrel
I think flop is very close I don't like betting flop as usually I'm going to check turn and get bluffed somewhere. I think my c/c range will look strong to mercier and I don't think he will go crazy. River would be easy bluff if turn checked through, turn trivial fold vs bet
Why do you think this is an easy bluff on river if turn checks? Is it to fold out any Qx?
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7619 on:
February 25, 2016, 01:07:10 AM »
I'm at the stone bottom of my range and his range is extremely capped when he checks back the turn and my range is extremely nutted and have all nutted combos here, when one range is stronger than the other and one has a lot of good hands and very few bad hands and the other has basically mostly 1 pair hands then its very good to bluff high frequency.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
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