Todays DTD satellite grindOne big SIGH!!!...
We registered for all the evening mega sats as usual to make sure that we don't forget to.
Then play a couple of mini sat's around 4-ish while Charlene isn't feeling too good. Get a seat into the Devilfish 9pm thingy.. DTD are valuing each seat @ £1200 in order to freeroll the Devilfish, Rob Yong and Simon Trumper into a SNG where 8 players play a turbo and have a 5,2 and £1k prizes up for grabs. So it could be fun and obv well worth £25 to get into it for a shot at the £5k prize.
Think we got a seat into the DTD150 Mega sat that has 10 seats gtd and was looking forward to that tournament as I've been performing well in it, but with very few runners it 'magically' had technical problems around 1hr before it was due to start and then changed to a normal 1seat gtd DTD150 satellite. A little bit annoyed by this as I can't see how this can be a technical issue from what I understand of servers, software and client programming. However obviously I could be completely wrong and apologise if this was truely the case, seemed a little co-incidental to me.DTD Bust the DevilfishGot an instant double up a few hands in where some guy goes mental wanting to get his whole stack in on


vs my

. GG him and we start with a double stack. tyty.
Few levels later we're still top 3 as we have been all the way when we reluctantly get it in on a

board with

vs obv

. That takes us back into the
pack and we carry on playing solid until we bust in a pretty standard fashion we ran


and couldnt find some help.
DTD500 Mega SatNow this has been our bread and butter over the last few weeks and we will be grinding these every night this wk as our record in them is pretty awesome (something like 6 seats from 8 tries).
We play really solid poker until it gets short and then play pretty good short stack poker, reshoving in good spots, inducing bluffs and shoves from certain people and generally playing pretty tight.
Same same today, although we're pretty card dead the entire time and make one mistake where we peel a min 3bt with

, call a cbet on a good board and it runs out really well for our hand to be good, we call his small cbet and small river bet and are shown the

, wp sir.
Get back on the horse and play really well for the rest, getting back into the pack and after reshoving twice over his opens we get into a pretty interesting flip where 'Elderdan' decides to raise, call-off

CO vs BTN.. we have

and hold for a nicely timed double up!
ty sirThis battle is to be our downfall....
We are 7/14 and by no means have a seat locked up when Elderdan decides to shove CO for around 12bb's... we find

and instantly know we're ahead. But looking at the stack sizes and how our 22bb stack is not locked for a seat we decide this is too good an opportunity to get another double up and almsot certainly lock up a seat.
We call and we're up against the mighty

.. so we just have to HOLD!

(thats a ridiculous flop for him and he's still at like 36% now)
(booom... there goes my seat. - oh well we've got a few free hands to shove)
River Meh... don't even remember! dont care, it wasn't a 9 or A.

We shove

x next hand and it gets through and then a few hands later the BTN limps into our BB and he completes the SB (this is so bad on so many levels!) and we find the old

. This isn't the best spot but I think that Elderdan is weak enough that he's completing any SC, probably any suited hand and raising all 'short stack premiums' so despite knowing that he can't be calling enough I think maybe he might call here more than he should (even though it would be for 60% of his stack).
We ship and the BTN predictably folds and Elderdan snaps with the mighty

. I know this is a possibility but even if he has a hand like this he shouldn't be 'trapping' with it, imo this is a terrible play that puts him maybe 60/40 but he is just risking too much.
No pairs for us and we go out 13th with 10 getting a seat.I don't love the

call but i think when i haven't got a seat locked up and I have 10bb's if i lose and the CO next hand its too good a spot to 'lock a seat'. But the

isn't a great spot either, probably better to just check, find a pair and then ship it in. Shame we couldnt get another £550 tonight but we will be back every night this week and today we were card dead the entire time and still came 13th, so I'm really confident I can win 3 or 4 more seats this week!
[X] Win 3 more seats and I'm buying the Super Grind PC this wk!