Life NewsWent to the Gym with my bro alex and we worked ourselves pretty hard! The abdominal exercises were killer and at one point I'm pretty sure my stomach muscles gave up and I was flailing around the floor like a beached whale!
Alex and I weighed ourselves for the first time in our few months of going to the gym -
Alex Is preparing for some mixed martial arts (MMA) 'grappling' fights in a few months time he needs to be a certain weight, while getting fitter and stronger.
John I am just trying to regain my previous levels of fitness and tone up a bit on the way.. well - I've put on 5kg's and I'm now a few sugar cubes away from the 100kg mark. This is pretty annoying news but it is in reflection of our workout which is rather freeweight and upper body heavy. I know the extra muscle will burn the fat I have quicker as muscle requires more calories to maintain itself, but its still annoying to go up in weight when I'm working so hard to get 'fit' (silly mind games I know).
Felt so good after the gym though, and coming home to a Mexican flavored Chicken breast with rice stuffed peppers was amazing! Well played Charlene!Todays Sat GrindDTD500 mini satelliteWe bust this while still 9 handed but a good few levels in when we jammed 12bb's with

into the BB's

DTD500 Mega satelliteWe played really solid throughout, unfortunately failing to get paid on our only two good starting hands of AA and QQ which mean we awaited the 15-20bb stage and did our usual reshove/ shove/ fold game. Unfortunately we got all the way to the final 16 as usual but then ran

and 17k @ 1/2k into the

of another player and GG that's us in 15th... sigh! We really don't need a lot of rungood in these, just to get paid on one of the hands we wait so patiently for and then watch everyone bust themselves until we're in the money.
Nevermind. 4 more left this week! Lets get a couple!Bust the Devilfish satelliteThis one was fun and again we played very solid, only 3 hands until the blinds were at 400/800 or something.
Although this is decieving you into thinking I didn't do anything 'creative'... the first hand I played was the old

and bb vs utg we craised a

flop and then when he 'clicked it back' we shoved our two overs and bkdrfd knowing that he has to fold all of his air and it makes no sense for him to have AA/ KK here and 'click' our CR.. so imo he always has


/ similar weak 1pair holding. Name was JGxxx and I'm wondering if this was Mr Jonathan Gill of DTD fame...

Either way he decides to snap with 10's when we shove for 10k over his 3.1k 3bt. I'm not sure what JG thinks we have here.. but I don't think its the best call tbh. Its a rainbow board with only 67 or J10 as draws, the latter with one over and oesd. All other hands I do this will will be 88/99/44/ 98 or JJ+ and vs a UTG raise I could even have the big pairs as people fold to often to 3bts in these early stages.
Doesn't matter as we river a Q and gg sir whoever you are.(btw this is still in the 're-entry' part of the tournament and this is the only reason for our slightly adventurous play)
Then we play really solid and tight for the rest as we have a top2 stack and the moneys all up top. We play pretty good throughout the rest, getting Chinese Frankie to bluff off half his stack when we cbet then cc, cc 2nd pair no kicker... tyvm Frankie.
And finally we get down to the last 14 or something and we overshove 33bb's

over a UTG raise in order to look weak and we get what we want when

snaps us off for 90% his stack and then flops a Q and rivers the nut flush.
GG, wp, nh, sigh sirrr.......This would have given us a top2 stack and a monstrous chip lead with a really good shot at running for a seat into this Devilfish-y thing. But next time I guess.Two days till the cash deal starts with Pleno, would be nice to start it freerolling my grind PC from this weeks DTD500 satellites. Two more seats please!