Oddly the first event on this years poker schedule is the WSOP Monster stack.. played this last year and was very disappointed with my performance .. 15K starting and an hour clock should be a dream. Lasted to level 4 through abysmal play so this year would need to be better.
Crashed and burned in the 2nd level.. ffs !
Had been determined to keep it tight play limited hands etc etc blah blah.....some of it couldn't be helped.. flopped top set v flush that got there on the turn and only managed to lose one bet as he lost his bottle on the river to show the 8 high draw..
flopped top 2 v a flush draw.. got there...what could have been avoided was when i flopped the flush draw and cr barrelled it.. never giving up one pair... so once again i contrived to make a complete hash of a wsop event .
So an early finish meant we had more time to gamble properly.
Loaded up a full bullet of $1250 for an early shot at $25 progression and was carrying an extra $500 just in case things went a bit wrong.
Things started to go wrong immediately.. and a grind ensued.. i never had the table to myself as I usually like..always 1 or 2 players. To be fair most of the people here can play... there betting might not be very good but the basics have been learnt and we dint get random sticking on 14 v and Ace and taking cards v a six etc.... but the dealers are having there way with us.
I'm 25 bets down and go to the restroom... when i come back some weird blackjack player orgy has taken place and the table is full.. play slows to a crawl and the dealer is still working on their employee of the month award..... i then make a cardinal sin.. get frustrated move to an empty table that's a $50 minimum and now play a $50 progression severely underolled. The inevitable happens and this dealer places himself in the all star category and we slope away $1700 light.
I decide to avail myself of the excellent gym facilities the Wynn has to offer.. and have a Little word with myself.
Day 1 and were already down over $4k.. not exactly the flyer we were looking for.
So team talk over..shower and my stomach has sent a note to my throat asking if its been cut as its seen nothing since the early morning fruit platter. Vegas Guru Galloway suggests a Brazilian res taurent called Fogo de chao. If your not familiar with the concept its where waiters bring greats skewers of meat to the table and carve it right there for you.
Its a carnivores dream... and we gorge upon tender fleshy delights. My youngest daughter would be horrified having been vegetarian and now Vegan for the last year. On a personal note I'm not overly comfortable with her being Vegan... every vegan I know looks like their undernourished and seem to have a lot of health problems. They also seem to go to ridiculous lengths in order to keep to their beliefs. However I feel I need to respect my daughters views and beliefs as i dint want to force my own viewpoints upon them... but anyhoos.. the flipping meat was devine... succulent Steak.. tender chicken and pork Yumm Yumm !!
We don't over indulge though.. which in a place like this is very easy and I give myself a little pat on the pack for the discipline that was missing earlier at the poker and gaming tables.
We arrive back at the Wynn.. its Saturday night and the clubs are just starting to liven up... the pounding bass lines reverb in the casino area despite what I'm sure is some excellent sound proofing. I have no desire to enter any of these dungeons of sound.. i remember back in my clubbing days laughing at the middle aged twat in the clubs surrounded by a populace all young enough to be his children.. i didn't want to be that twat..
Despite that the musics too loud..

We make do with the never ending parade of young ladies who seem to have all entered into a ' who can wear the least amount of clothing without being arrested' competition. Some have also entered the side event where they attempt to to get as much of their boobs out without being press ganged by Spearmint Rhino's.
I confess, i looked... I looked a lot..Listen.. the blood that runs through these veins is still hot... just don't tell my missus OK... just you.. me and a public forum knows..got it..good...
To be honest i thought i might have a stroke.. some of the girls were beyond stunning..some ..ahem..we will just say..weren't ... i just find it a Shame they cannot afford mirrors in their houses.. but we take the rough with the smooth..and in most cases its very smooth.. oh so smooooo... ahem I'll leave the rest to your imagination and the report that the day closed better than it started.