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Author Topic: Vegas in a Handcart and the search for Charlie Harper  (Read 44082 times)
the sicilian
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« Reply #45 on: July 03, 2016, 12:34:56 PM »

Diary lacks photos , a few of the Pleasure Pit table dancers should help.

Chees Cake Porn only im afraid

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the sicilian
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« Reply #46 on: July 03, 2016, 12:46:44 PM »

In true Tikay style took a trip out to see the local 51's baseball team... so that will be rounders with big gloves then...

Although i am a huge American sports fan, have never got into baseball... watch a few games intermittently over the last few years and I aim to get into it a bit more.. cos you can bet on it right ?.

Crowd of around 800 i say turned up for the evening game which was played in a stifling heat... but hard working overhead fans and mist sprays helped ease the burden.

the level from what i could tell was pretty poor, and one poor sod for the home team was having a mare.. miss fielding 3 times and pretty much costing his team the game.. we made our exit at the bottom of the 8th with the Vegas boys on the end of a 4-0 score that they never looked like changing.

Finally begin full on proper blackjack attack and find a kindly dealer named Melody who played a beautiful tune ( ahem ) of regular busts and blackjacks... we put in a decent shift and walk away + $3500.. followed by a 2nd session of +$1800 the following day.. so the ship was well and truly righted.

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the sicilian
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« Reply #47 on: July 03, 2016, 01:20:27 PM »

After the first couple of poker tournaments.. the old two card turn over takes a back seat as Mr Galloway is not known for his tournament play.. we get some pool time and admire some pneumatically enhanced ladies of varying age ranging from the Swedish super model to 40 something wives of LA.  They all have one thing in common .. lack of be fair thanks to the art of plastic surgery even the older ones are holding up just fine.

Then something weird happened for summer in Vegas... 110 degree walls of desert heat gave way to vicious storms and howling winds.. did someone transport me back to England whilst i wasn't looking?.
The sky was bathed regularly in displays of forked light that would put any of the neon shows around here to shame. A severe weather warning was issued as it rained down like the end of days.. was this to be the modern day Soddom & Gomorrah ?.. from my window i could see the airport tarmacs covered in lakes of water and they closed Mccaren for several hours.

Two days it lasted.. Ive never seen the like in Vegas before.

As Mr G fancies him self as a bit of a foodie connoisseur... fine dining takes front stage and first up is a visit to Picasso's at Bellagio. Its a beautiful restaurant that overlooks the majestic Bellagio fountains ... romantically lit and patroned mainly by lovers. Mr Galloway seems to have a penchant for the more colourful shirt and I'm pretty sure the waiters have me down as the Mexican toyboy.

The food is small,perfectly formed and truly exquisite to taste. Pea soup.. artichokes..followed by Veal chop. Every mouthful is savoured... it is truly beautiful food and despite its delicacy fills the stomach perfectly... as it should.

You know its a posh gaff when the waiter announces your food as he serves it describing in great detail its composition.. no steak and chips with ketchup here boys.

As we leave we are giving a little presentation box containg a couple of fairy cakes.. not sure if this was some kind of rubdown for Galloway's shirt choice but they were OK to munch later Smiley..

Personally I'm not keen on the Belaggio, the place is heaving and there seems to be an inordinate amount of children around.

The following night we dine at SW.. the main Steak house in the Wynn... its not as upmarket as Picaso but the food is almost as gorgeous and the portions are far more generous as we discover when we realise we ordered two side dishes too many. We show great resolve but still leave a fair bit..none of it is the beautiful New York strips we have.

Intermittent attacks of the roulette wheel finds us marshaling large towers of chips back and forth... we hit a couple of numbers pile up the 20 and smash its front door in.. we get out with profit.. but plough back into the very next table we stumble into.. we were so close to getting out..

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« Reply #48 on: July 03, 2016, 02:58:11 PM »

There seems to be a distinct lack of Craps stories.  #Letsgoshooter
Simon Galloway
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« Reply #49 on: July 03, 2016, 04:36:39 PM »

White asparagus you Philistine!

the sicilian
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« Reply #50 on: July 04, 2016, 06:23:05 AM »

There seems to be a distinct lack of Craps stories.  #Letsgoshooter

Hmmm ... there has been limited shots at the Vegas tubs.. but a dark shadow befalls us every time.. icelandic chills cover the felt and the the cry of ''seven out' is heard to often...

Sticking to skill games like roulette maybe the answer

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the sicilian
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« Reply #51 on: July 04, 2016, 06:23:44 AM »

White asparagus you Philistine!

We both know its pretty nuch wasted on me Smiley

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the sicilian
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« Reply #52 on: July 04, 2016, 06:51:56 AM »

Friday, and the time for Mr Galloway to depart has arrived.. we bid farewell.. his been good company as usual and has made sure my personal trainer earns his money when i get home.

My attention turns back to poker and an item on the schedule namely the Golden Nugget Main event.. $570 buyin 25k 40 minute clock and all the levels with half a million guarantee... sounds ideal.

We get a running start and win a couple of nice pots... then get QQ early and earn two callers.. the flop is perfect.. A Q 9 rainbow.. surely one of my erstwhile companions has an Ace in his hand .. I lead with the set and sure enough i pick up a customer... i get the full 3 streets even housing up on the end. A few more wins and I'm sitting on 50k at 200-400..well this is going well... I bleed a few and then get involved in a hand where my ABC opponent re raises me on the turn.. his set is obvious but I cant resist the lure of the up and downer Ive picked up with my pair.. river gives me trips... and i make a horrendous call.

A couple more pots where i pick up good draws on the flop where i call and then it goes raise shove behind me ..gawd !

All of a sudden things are not looking so pretty... a raise and a call and i peel A10ss from the small.. Ace rag flop checks all around.. good nice pot control and a disguised hand.. turn bricks but brings a 2nd club... original raiser checks again.. OK looking good... then the small Asian girl who has shown already she is more than capable overbets the pot massively like 20k..feels odd as Ive watched her in previous hands where she has got very aggressive on drawy boards... Hmm could my disguised pair be good here? could she be buying this pot with a draw ? I decide she is and she flips AQ.. oh Lordy.. Pants down smackee Bum time for this flipping genius.

I slump away.. I then realise if I buy in I would have 50 bigs... would seem rude not to... so back into the fray we go. I play solid..folding KK on a jack high board when elderly American takes off on a hugely dangerous pairing flushing board...I get shown trips..phew.
Then get moved back to my original table smack between a massive stack and small Asian girl .. marvellous.
We plod along.. massive stack is constantly raising.. when we find AA to one of the numerous raises...Ooooh nice ..I flat knowing Asian girl is aggy.. sure enough she pumps it up... and massive stack peels... shame he did that as I prob could continue the hunting of Mi So Aggy.. but i cant take these puppies three way to the flop ... i pump it up and she tanks with genuine agony.. Hello ... she has a hand.. cmon baby ..shove..go on you know you want to... ffs shove you pint sized ball of aggression... she finally folds as does Mr big stack... she actually looks teary as she tells me she had QQ.. Bugger she was probably the only person on the table who could find a fold there.. 'you had Aces didn't you?'..'didn't you' she asks several times.. I smile ruefully.. I'm such a horrible bastard lol... I eventually put her out of her misery some time later when our table breaks and she asks once again.

We trundle on through the night.. 17 levels we play.. its a slog for sure... last four hands are declared and i get Aces twice.. no action.. not even from the table psycho and we bag 30 bigs for day 2

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« Reply #53 on: July 04, 2016, 01:18:48 PM »

great read good luck in day 2

the sicilian
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« Reply #54 on: July 04, 2016, 01:45:04 PM »

Day 1 was long.. i get into my bed late and set two alarms as the day 2 start is 11Am...

I come round and through bleary eyes i see the bright red LED;s of the bedside clock read 11.02... eh ! ?

Holy Moly !.. I'm up and out of the room quicker than a one night stand who woke to find the nine from the previous night was in fact a 4.. I then manage to find the only cabbie in Vegas who drives at the speed limit. i kid you not he done no more than 30mph all the way. It was like a slow agonising death as I mentally willed him to accelerate.

We arrive at 11.29... I'm lucky Ive only lost 15k from 148k...

The play has tightened significantly from the previous days mayhem as 180 souls remain from an initial 1520 entries.. 153 paid with 133K up top... for a rec player I'm gonna request a one time then...

we play solid and jostle around the same mark for some time as the players drop one by one.. theres a couple of deece players on the table and several what i could classify like myself and recreational.. i try to identify blind stealing opportunities as they are significant enough to warrant it..and pick out a couple of middle aged Americans playing super tight. One  has mirror sunglasses at the other end of the table and it feels like he is constantly staring at me. I raise with 8 9 cc... happy to take the blinds..happy to see flop if i must happy to fold if i get serious heat.. Mr sunglasses in the BB calls... we see 10..7..3 rainbow and he donk leads.. seen a lot of this even into 3 opponents that include original raisers.. personally i hate it .. we are ten away from the bubble and although he outchips me its not by much.... a nice confident all in gets him squirming as i rep big.. he dwells and folds showing a 10... this hand gives me some nice breathing room and we break through the bubble into the money.


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the sicilian
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« Reply #55 on: July 07, 2016, 05:19:35 PM »

The bubble breaking opens the flood gates.. the queue for the payout is longer than the one for the all you can eat buffet at a fat club.

153 quickly becomes a hundred.. we may have a chance here.... tightish player opens mid and i find 77 in the BB with 15 bigs to my name.. don't really want to peel as there cant be too many flops I'm gonna like... its shove or fold time.. choose the former knowing his gonna fold out a lot of hands ... he seems to like the KK his holding..

Four blanks hit the board.. i sigh..rise from my seat and say nice hand just as the dealer slams the seven of hearts down on the river...

I sheepishly sit down whilst doing an internal fist pump..

Little while later I 3 bet QQ and call the AK shove and we hold..suddenly we have 800k double average with 70 left.

A young wiz moves to the table..his good no doubt about it.. he wins a couple of deece pots then a big double..he has 1.8 million and sets about us..his 3 to my left and his a nightmare.. batton down the hatches boys.

Button opens to my SB..his had a couple previous opens and I decide my tight rep and only the BB to go is gonna win me this pot with a well timed A8 3 bet... the BB shoves a million in my eye.. FFS.. I make out I have a big choice.... give him as much chat as I'm allowed and come to the conclusion I already know.. his massive and i fold.. down to 500k.

Open AK from utg and a guy who joined recently and has only shoved twice..shoves again... he has 300k ..this is it .. I call and he shows AQ..Oi Oi !! fantastico... right until the Queen ball in the door... I shouldn't complain seeing as I rivered the 7 earlier.. but I am.. just once run good and don't get unlucky .

10 Bigs go in a few hands later with K9 HH and we can't outrun the rag ace call...

Its another close one as we finish 49/1520 for $2200... One day..just one time we get one of these baby's in the bag

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the sicilian
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« Reply #56 on: July 07, 2016, 08:46:06 PM »

I make my way back to the Wynn and dinner at Red 8 one of the Chinese restaurants.. the sweet and sour chicken perks me up and i consult whats on the schedule tomorrow.. hmm Venetian has an $1100 500k Guarantee... maybe i haven't peaked yet..maybe one more major bullet left in the chamber.

I'm playing anyway but decide the nights entertainment will be win the buyin at blackjack. All goes swimmingly.. I hit the $1100 profit and make for the room.

Early night finds me refreshed and i Make the walk from Encore to Venetian having only to step out into the harsh sun once to cross the little Sands bridge into Palazzo. There are numerous little bridges and walkways around the strip.. most to enable you negotiate the race track they call Las Vegas Boulevard safely. Most of these are populated by the less fortunate ranging from instrument players to disabled to the disheveled with a cardboard sign saying please give me money. One such inhabitant is a youngish woman, heavily pregnant her engorged stomach bared to prove authenticity. The sun and heat are unbearable.. it must be at least 110 degrees, Ive been exposed less than thirty seconds and I'm already craving air conditioned sanctuary. I have no idea how she or any of them can bear it... surely it cant be healthy for a woman in her condition ?.
Its a sad, stark contrast to the affluence etc that surrounds them. God only knows what the back story is... I only hope that someway somehow her and her unborn will be OK..

We sit down a little through level 1.. table seems standard for early doors in these comps.. not too Aggy good mixture of talents and players when a somewhat familiar figure sits to my left.. I def know him from somewhere.. i get a sneak at his entry ticket.. Mortenson.. Hi Carlos says the dealer.. Well well well ex world champion Carlos Mortenson.. this could be interesting.

Now I've met a few former champs..usually in the Rio corridors.. Helmuth, Hachem and Duhamel..... although secretly I always wanted a picture with them I didn't want to come across as a saddo fan boy.. but this time i thought fuck it.. gonna wait until the first break and ask The Matador for a souvenir pic...

Carlos makes a bad call against an ABC old timer with one pair after the flush comes on the river and the old boy takes off with a big re-raise.. think its pretty obvious what he has but I'm not an ex world champ and he makes the call and gets shown the nut flush... this puts Carlos low and theres twenty minutes to the break.. should I go for the picture request now.. or hope he makes it to the break ?? I get dealt ace 10 and muck.. i cant think..I'm in a quandary..picture now or or later...

'I'm all in ' says Carlos.... what? are you fucking kidding me?... Hmm is it bad form to ask for a picture when his Allin during a hand...? he wouldn't mind would he? his not that big.. I could probably give him a good hiding if he turned all Mediterranean menstrual on me..hmm smacking ex world poker champs around probably not a way to advance your Vegas Poker playing carrear.

I'm gonna hold off.. its quite a big push.. fold..fold..fold..fold..yeah that's it all fold to the mighty Carlos..

' I call '   chimes up old timer.. you utter MoFo... he shows the bottom of his range QQ and Carlos flips 88... super quick dealer and Carlos is up and gone...FMEL..

A nice English guy sits next to me.. we get chatting..I'm not really concentrating..and I'm dribbling.. i take on old guy in a hand and pull a nice bluff... I 4 bet shove over the Wiz and the end of the table whose 3 bet me one too many times.. he folds... I string it out until level 9.. my Brit table mate is getting handed chips left right and centre.. it must be his birthday and I'm the only one who doesn't know.

We finally lose our betting discs in a 44 v A 10 showdown.. 10 flop pulls the curtain and I console myself with the Caramel Chicken from the Grand Lux and a realisation that my poker days on this trip are probably just about up.

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the sicilian
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« Reply #57 on: July 07, 2016, 08:47:49 PM »

Stand by... next up..dark tales from the Wynn BlackJack tables...

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« Reply #58 on: July 07, 2016, 11:10:31 PM »

How much did you give the poor pregnant woman to help her?

Keefy is back Smiley But for how long?
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« Reply #59 on: July 07, 2016, 11:11:57 PM »

How much did you give the poor pregnant woman to help her?

If you give these people money they only use it to get pregnant again.

The older I get, the better I was.
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