I remember being shit scared the first time I saw Ronnie.
Have a Cane Corso now who sounds very similar to Zeus. Huge and mean looking but just an absolute sweetheart of a hound.
I’ve really loved this journey and learning experience with bigger breed dogs.
Did you think you would get another dog once Ronnie passed away?
He was a bit of a beast though was big Ron. Such a loving boy with those he knew but also incredibly unpredictable with strangers. Perfect 99% of the time but as you come across more than 100 people on your daily walk there's no choice but to watch him like a hawk 100% of the time. I have to admit I was constantly on edge if we were in public and there were a lot of people around, not so much as he got to 7+ years old but even then you can never forget the odd time he showed what he was capable of in his early days.
Zeus is so much easier around people as he's just a softy. This doesn't mean he's better than Ronnie, just different. There were elements of Ronnie that were far better than Zeus, his recall and lead walking for example were amazing. I have to admit though it's lovely being able to go to the pub with him and have a couple of steady pints with the lads.
I had a dog break for about a year and a half after Ronnie died but I always knew I'd get another. For a while the freedom was nice, being able to do anything without first considering how it affected the dog was great and also going to the gym at whatever time suited my was good. I was also in the process of doing up a house which being dog free made much easier.
If Zeus hadn't come along I'd probably have been getting one around now anyway. I wasn't sure what to get and to be honest it probably wouldn't be a Rottie. My mum really didn't want me getting a big dog as she's quite weary of them so me going for a German Shepherd or Rottie wasn't going down too well.
She was horrified when she knew I was getting Zeus but then after she met him a few times she absolutely loves him and even plays fetch with him in the garden

Have you had your Cane Corso from a pup?
Yeah I remember coming over to yours after one DTD festival and I was really keen to go and pet him but at the same time a little bit nervous and if youre a bit nervous around a dog that's not always a people lover I thought it best to stay away. Absolutely magnificent boy he was though.
Yeah I had all mine from pups. It's really so bad to have a favourite but the Cane Corso is just amazing. He is so protective and loving with my kids and he also just wants to be by my side all the time.
Sorta wants to rip other male dogs to pieces though so i have to be super careful on walks.