Although I think it would be absolutely ridiculous that screenshots/records of EVERY single game traded were not distributed to stakers, we don't know what goes on privately between Blatch and his stakers. He could be using PM/MSN/FB etc etc etc to tell everybody about the games he's traded how much he's won etc.
I think Arbboy has put some absolutely imperative detailed information ITT and assuming they have zerp history I'm guessing he is doing it for the benefit of the forum and to help out his mates that are possibly interested in investing and not trying to give Blatch a bad name. A lot of people have reacted badly to Arbboy and I think he may have taken it the wrong way. Blonde seems to be more of a community than a forum and a guy coming into the "community" with less than 10 posts (the first 10 trying to sell something) and attacking a guy that has made everybody who invested money a profit no matter how small it is and more than that a close friend to many people is always going to end up in squabbling.
Instead of arguing both sides should take the positives out of the thread.
Arbboy- This is a community and if you give a few tips then everyone will worship the ground you work on. The words some of us "kidz" use are frankly ridiculous so don't worry about not knowing/understanding them, I think there is a post in the learning centre of PHA (Poker Hand Analysis) that actually lists all the words for your "dadz"

I think you actually have good intentions and believe in time you could be a really liked and important member of this forum and hopefully you feel more "accepted" quickly. Also if you want a clever, quick learning, maths friendly apprentice that you'd like to take under your wing, holla! (shout

Blatch- A lot of what Arbboy has said is just like a professional way to go on. I'm not saying you should do daily reports about what you're planning to bet on and how much you've made, but a graph in the thread would be really good. Not just so we know that you're not putting everybodies money on 27/8

but it is actually pretty interesting and although I havn't yet invested I would be really intrigued. I don't think it's necessary you post all the games you've traded on ITT, but sending them to the people that have invested would be advisable, not just for the peace of their mind, but so they can rail/sweat.
Lets all be friends, onwards and upwards guys.