The worst thing is I think Mark Hawkins is a real player whom he is impersonating, as there is another (different) account under that name who is friends with a lot of poker players (the one on the FB page was set up that day with no pic and no friends)
Hi Dave, PsychoDave here from VIPS and AWOP
How did you find this ? I have just looked for Mark Hawkins on facebook and have 672 people with the name "Mark Hawkins"
A couple of questions for the guys working on the spread sheet.. Are you working out from just the football results or from every sports bet on the sheet ?
I have the sheet as well now after reading every page of this Blatchgate from the very start. Is it possible to let me know how your doing the Mathe or are you just checking certain hero posts he made stating wins against the spreadsheet?
Is there a way of working out the following
Total bets made £
Total Loss £
Total profit £
Is there nothing left at all ?
Also what happened to the WSOP money ? Has there not been 2 crimes here one been the Betfair staking and the other been the WSOP money disappearing.For all you members who took part in this scam and lost money because you trusted a friend, then me heart really goes out to you. I have been in poker now for around 10 years not very long compared to some of you, and during this time made what I call some very good friends. Now I maybe a little naive here, but I trust them. What has happened here has made me a little sick thinking it cant be right and in some ways sort of hoping its a true Cok up and can be fixed. I am still going to trust my friends in poker and take this as the bad 1% that's in every out of work activity people take part in.
If the cash has all gone from both crimes then I just do not see any way your all ever going to get it back. One of the best Ideas I read was the mother & Father or family remortgage the house and Blatch then pays the mortgage off.
Remember this which has been said many times before.. "If something looks too good to be true, It usually IS!"
Good luck with it all guys and hope you get something back