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Author Topic: Discussions about: Staking - Betfair Football Trading  (Read 574110 times)
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« Reply #2055 on: June 22, 2010, 07:00:20 PM »



Ole Ole Ole Ole!
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« Reply #2056 on: June 22, 2010, 07:01:42 PM »

+1 Very good.

Keefy is back Smiley But for how long?
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« Reply #2057 on: June 22, 2010, 07:01:57 PM »

Its a shame that this place has such a reputation for being cliquey. I can 100% see why it has the reputation, and I'm as much to blame as many others.

I think its a combination of the way people post on the internet and the fact that Blonde is divided into is subdivisions of people.

I also think someone made a good point about earning some respect. There are many new posters on here that make 10-20 ridiculous posts then disappear.

I would suggest to anyone that they try not to let this put them off, make some sensible posts and try and find where you fit in.

There are some great people on here, and I guarantee you will make at least one friend that makes it worthwhile spending the time to get involved.

Great post Stuart.

Stop Stuart, i'm blushing here.

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« Reply #2058 on: June 22, 2010, 07:05:32 PM »

Any sign of the wsop money yet?
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« Reply #2059 on: June 22, 2010, 07:05:50 PM »

Its a shame that this place has such a reputation for being cliquey. I can 100% see why it has the reputation, and I'm as much to blame as many others.

I think its a combination of the way people post on the internet and the fact that Blonde is divided into is subdivisions of people.

I also think someone made a good point about earning some respect. There are many new posters on here that make 10-20 ridiculous posts then disappear.
I would suggest to anyone that they try not to let this put them off, make some sensible posts and try and find where you fit in.

There are some great people on here, and I guarantee you will make at least one friend that makes it worthwhile spending the time to get involved.

im still here  Smiley
doubt i will go about earning respect

Just me
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« Reply #2060 on: June 22, 2010, 07:06:32 PM »

what price he turns up at the gukpt at walsall sometime this week?  You would think it couldnt happen but with this guy i just dont think you ever know.
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« Reply #2061 on: June 22, 2010, 07:07:55 PM »

He just text me asking if I wanted 25%
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« Reply #2062 on: June 22, 2010, 07:08:10 PM »

Any sign of the wsop money yet?

Have you called the police yet Dubai? :-)

Keefy is back Smiley But for how long?
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« Reply #2063 on: June 22, 2010, 07:10:09 PM »

Its a shame that this place has such a reputation for being cliquey. I can 100% see why it has the reputation, and I'm as much to blame as many others.

I think its a combination of the way people post on the internet and the fact that Blonde is divided into is subdivisions of people.

I also think someone made a good point about earning some respect. There are many new posters on here that make 10-20 ridiculous posts then disappear.
I would suggest to anyone that they try not to let this put them off, make some sensible posts and try and find where you fit in.

There are some great people on here, and I guarantee you will make at least one friend that makes it worthwhile spending the time to get involved.

im still here  Smiley
doubt i will go about earning respect

You are joking arent you? Your an absolute legend after the Jimmy Choo staking.
You may have found a little Chinese/PussyCat/FreeWaterMoaning space for yourself but you were defo the only guy to fill it.

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« Reply #2064 on: June 22, 2010, 07:12:13 PM »

The worst thing is I think Mark Hawkins is a real player whom he is impersonating, as there is another (different) account under that name who is friends with a lot of poker players (the one on the FB page was set up that day with no pic and no friends)

Hi Dave, PsychoDave here from VIPS and AWOP

How did you find this ? I have just looked for Mark Hawkins on facebook and have 672 people with the name "Mark Hawkins"

A couple of questions for the guys working on the spread sheet.. Are you working out from just the football results or from every sports bet on the sheet ?

I have the sheet as well now after reading every page of this Blatchgate from the very start. Is it possible to let me know how your doing the Mathe or are you just checking certain hero posts he made stating wins against the spreadsheet?

Is there a way of working out the following

Total bets made £

Total Loss £

Total profit £

Is there nothing left at all ?

Also what happened to the WSOP money ? Has there not been 2 crimes here one been the Betfair staking and the other been the WSOP money disappearing.

For all you members who took part in this scam and lost money because you trusted a friend, then me heart really goes out to you. I have been in poker now for around 10 years not very long compared to some of you, and during this time made what I call some very good  friends. Now I maybe a little naive here, but I trust them. What has happened here has made me a little sick thinking it cant be right and in some ways sort of hoping its a true Cok up and can be fixed. I am still going to trust my friends in poker and take this as the bad 1% that's in every out of work activity people take part in.

If the cash has all gone from both crimes then I just do not see any way your all ever going to get it back. One of the best Ideas I read was the mother & Father or family remortgage the house and Blatch then pays the mortgage off.

Remember this which has been said many times before.. "If something looks too good to be true, It usually IS!"

Good luck with it all guys and hope you get something back


It wasnt actually me who said that the Mark Hawkins on Facebook was Blatch. However I saw a Mark Hawkins post who had no photo and no friends on the facebook group and was suspicous, and then I saw the poster on here who posted word for word what the facebook guy had posted. Someone else said the guy on Facebook was Blatch, all I did was point out that whoever it was was the same person who posted on this forum.

And yes, I have since done a search for Mark Hawkins on FB and cant find the account in question, maybe its been deleted or at least updated with a picture.
Jon MW
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« Reply #2065 on: June 22, 2010, 07:13:21 PM »

I thought sociopath was politically correct for psychopath?

They're on the same scale of mental disorder

The key feature is lack of empathy

I think the main difference comes down to ithat the sociopath will do what benefits them and not consider how it will affect others even if it's wrong
The psychopath will actively seek out and take pleasure from doing the anti-social/wrong thing

When Blatch said that he thought joking about losing the money was the best way to reassure people he hadn't done so, it suggests that he doesn't actively seek out that behaviour  -  the fact that he so convincingly pulled off the act of deceiving people suggests the lack of empathy.

i.e. all in all suggests sociopath not psychopath

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« Reply #2066 on: June 22, 2010, 07:15:42 PM »

I thought sociopath was politically correct for psychopath?

They're on the same scale of mental disorder

The key feature is lack of empathy

I think the main difference comes down to ithat the sociopath will do what benefits them and not consider how it will affect others even if it's wrong
The psychopath will actively seek out and take pleasure from doing the anti-social/wrong thing

When Blatch said that he thought joking about losing the money was the best way to reassure people he hadn't done so, it suggests that he doesn't actively seek out that behaviour  -  the fact that he so convincingly pulled off the act of deceiving people suggests the lack of empathy.

i.e. all in all suggests sociopath not psychopath

Thing is I believe this to a certain extent except he couldn't explain his post from miami when he, through no provacation bragged about how far 75k would get him and his family in Miami AFTER he had lost most of the money

Ole Ole Ole Ole!
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« Reply #2067 on: June 22, 2010, 07:17:48 PM »

Also what happened to the WSOP money ? Has there not been 2 crimes here one been the Betfair staking and the other been the WSOP money disappearing.

If the cash has all gone from both crimes then I just do not see any way your all ever going to get it back. One of the best Ideas I read was the mother & Father or family remortgage the house and Blatch then pays the mortgage off.


Just to be clear here:  each occasion of him defrauding someone is a separate offence.  For example, if someone steals your credit card and uses it to buy from lots of shops, each purchase is a separate offence.  In court it is often treated as a TIC (taken into consideration) but if it is significant enough it will be the subject of a separate charge.  This is why it is important that everyone who thinks they have been a victim contacts the police if they want to make a complaint.  The police will then need to take a statement from you and CPS (Crown pros Service) will decide if it is sufficient to be a separate charge.    You can't expect one of you to make a complaint and the police will guess the rest.

Also the issue of contacting his family seems a bit unfair.  He is a grown man and any arrangements he makes with his family is up to him.  Would you want your family bothered by anyone you owed money to?  You should also be careful that you don't incur the attention of the police yourself if you are seen to behave in any unacceptable way towards his relatives (or, as has been pointed out, towards him).  The courts are very hard on any type of vigilante action no matter how provoked you might be.
The Camel
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« Reply #2068 on: June 22, 2010, 07:20:23 PM »

Why doesn't someone call the police?

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« Reply #2069 on: June 22, 2010, 07:20:42 PM »

FB Status: Neil Blatchly Anyone got $1.8k stars for Tilt?!?!28 April at 11:09 · Comment ·LikeUnlike

I hear those who didn't deposit into his bank account transferred to Tilt? Does this date coincidence with anyone's deposit?

Did he not say his Stars account was closed due to not replying to a KYC check?

I shipped him $120 on stars for WSOP, 6th June. sickoMBN

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