Been an absolute chaotic last month. I've literally been in my office 12 hours a day, which doesn't sound that healthy, but I've been engrossed in studying and a couple of projects to help with studying.
I've actually been playing football 2-3x/week as planned and now a lot fitter than before, I try and do 2 workouts a day, I usually do the following. at the end of my session I do these 3x5 min work outs they are really bad then let me know lol, I'm far from an expert in this stuff.
Myself and bencb have teamed together and taking the Swedish sensations C. Darwin and Lena900 in $100k Powerfest/SCOOP bet, I guess they are the favourites, it feels kinda fun to be the underdogs, I'm quietly confident, don't want to say too much, but I have my 2 weeks fully planned out and really excited to play.
It's obviously a huge time for bitB too. Lets say we have 400k+ invested a day, it means we're going to have over $5m invested over the two weeks, maybe more actually since there is $10ks etc people will play. Crazy times.
#pray4pads #pray4bitb
Winning a big title this series would mean a lot to me, I've worked hard before every other series, or at least I thought I have, but this time I just made huge life sacrifices, skipped the biggest event of the year (Barcelona) skipped the best event of the year - Super High Roller Bowl (I was offered a seat) skipped Monaco, skipped Canada. My goals at the start of the year was to play all of these and be super active in the live SHR scene, but I decided to retire fully from super high rollers and live tournaments, I may play 2-3 tournaments a year, but my full and undivided attention is on online MTT's and health+fitness.
I really want to go into management in UK football, I don't mind starting very low, but its really hard to get a gig even in very low tiers in England with no direct contacts. I will try and get a coaching/assistant management kind of role after SCOOP finishes and then build networking. Will keep this thread updated about that too.
Anyway, fun 2 weeks coming up, will be lots of downs thats guaranteed, hopefully the highs outweigh them.
glglglglglg everybody!