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Author Topic: Discussions about: Staking - Betfair Football Trading  (Read 574112 times)
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« Reply #195 on: June 16, 2010, 03:36:11 PM »

No didnt mean a reference to Ariston. Just meant Arbboy likes to continue "discussions" as seen on betfair


Though I'm getting to dislike arrboy just as much as I do Ariston

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« Reply #196 on: June 16, 2010, 04:02:30 PM »

I doubt that arbboy does know his stuff to be honest. His results might be ok and he knows one way to trade but his logical inferences as to Blatch's trading might be utter bollox.

He's posted so much crap about conclusions drawn from a guy gwtting staked in a 5/10 cash game and free speech rant when the mods have let him post like a troll that I have every reason to suspect he's talking as much bollox as to what can be inferred from a guy failing to trade on a South Korea/Greece game where the price shifted a lot.

Aftertime much?  
  maybe he went to the brent horner academy of aftertiming
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« Reply #197 on: June 16, 2010, 05:01:38 PM »

I havent replied till now because I went out last night and was in a pretty bad mood.  Ive also had a few things to do this morning and wanted to re read a few messages before I posted.  I dont feel that I have to reply but seeing as this is now over 13 pages of crap written its probably best that I do.  Ill try to answer as many questions that I can and hopefully put a finish on this so we can move on a bit.

Firstly Mark, and im assuming your Mark Wilson, I really dont know why you have this passionate hate for me.  Im not sure if you remember but around a year ago at DTD you had been drinking a bit and decided to sit at a cash game where I was playing whilst waiting for George to finish in the comp.  You simply sat down and played 6 hands in an hour and instead of playing you simply threw abuse at me for an hour.  I sat there and took assuming you were drunk and not really sure who you were.  The comments from you such as "I know who you are but im not telling you who I am" etc I found a bit weird.  It got to the point where 2 people and the dealer complained about the abuse and eventually 2 left because of it and then the game broke.  IIRC I had never spoken to you before nor even been at the same table.  So I can only assume that you hate me because your not known as "The Betfair Guy", im not claiming I am either but the sucess of this has to be the reason. 

As for some of your questions and other points you make, I think they have all been covered by other investors but if not ill try to cover most of them from memory.

I have never claimed to have any "information sources".  It is simply myself pricing up games and assuming / guessing / thinking which way the markets will move.  I apologise to my investors if they were led to believe different but I think this is quite clear on the OP and to all the investors that came on board.  I do however have places I look for reseeach / information / stats on the Internet and I have a spreadsheet of previous movements which I consult when certain factors are involved.

This South Korea vs Greece game, seems to be quite a big point for you.  It seems as if I have made a big mistake in missing this game, and yes, we could have made a big profit on this game.  I apologise to my investors if they were under the impression that I would be working on this trading 24/7 and treating it as my main job.  I also apologise if they thought I would be trading every single game, or if they thought I would be sacrificing my social life to do this.  As Simon Galloway points out on page 101, 2 posts off the bottom, he is quite clear as to what he expected and although I am annoyed I didnt see this one Im not going to apologise too much for it.  As already stated the whole of Saturday was going to be out for me, but I thought I would try to do the England game as previously it had worked well for me and more importantly the timing of the game wouldnt interfere at all with the rest of the day.

You also state that poker players have asked you about this.  I have no problem with you giving your advice but why dont you keep it to those that ask?  If you want to say im a joke and dont know what im doing to individuals that ask you directly then by all means tell them that, after all it is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

You keep saying you have no axe to grind, but to myself and others it seems you clear do, from the events at DTD to over 14 pages of this now.

Your next point says you went to bet that I dont have a 2% commision account on page 91.  I have never claimed to have a 2% account and infact I hope I was quite open that this would be a new account and therefore the commision would have to start on 5%.  Again if I havent made this clear to anyone then I apologise.  Within the same point you claim I need staking for this.  The quite simple fact is that I dont.  This was however an experiment at the start of the season and again I hope I highlighted this quite well.  I wasnt sure if it was going to a sucess or not but I explained what I was hoping to do.  I didnt beg for staking nor did I force anyone to join.  The blonde forum has a great spirit about it and I believe investors saw an opputunity to hopefully make a few quid whilst having something to follow for the football season.  I hope I nevr portrayed this as a get rich quick scheme as this was never likely, but again if I did to anyone then I apologise.

For some weird reason you seem to think I have to know people to be good at this.  Your right, I probably dont know the top 5 players but I certainly know the number 1, and although I dont speak to him apart from when I see him maybe 2 or 3 times a year I dont see what this proves.   Why do I need to these players to make a profit?  Dont get me wrong it would help but its not a definate need.

Next point - Evilpie you are a %£$&, you well know im not in my 30's, simply my late 20's who had a tough paper round.

I think the next point you move onto was the roulette.  Its probably best that you dont listen to rumour like this but on this instance you are half correct.  Yes I did have a little play on the roulette and yes it was on the 28/29 section but it was £!k a spin and nor was it £50 notes.  I chucked over a bag of £20 notes that I had won at the cash game that night at DTD and spent just over half of it on around 4 or 5 spins.  I really dont see what I do with my cash is anyone business.

Next point - Staking.  I think this one has annoyed a few people as some of the greatest players in the World are staked, and each have their own reasons.  On some of the bigger events I like to sell a few % and for the cash game in Vegas I have sold half of my action.  There are many a reason why people get staked and normally lack of funds isnt one of them.  I could be mistaken but I believe Flushy is staked, Dubai is staked and even some of the Full Tilt red pros are staked full time.  I dont see staking as a weakness at all and so long as people are happy to stake me for certain events then ill keep offering it.  I still look at poker a sbeing a hobby.  A hobby that has produced me some good results and some very profitable ones.  I dont rely on poker for an income and maybe this is one of the reasons why I have had a few results.

Then we have the whole MSN convo with Iwillwinlots.  Personally for you to state the convo once he has asked you specificaly not to was pretty wrong.  I have had a few PM's with him and although he knows im annoyed with the situation, it doesnt change anything.  He has asked to cash out and I have made him aware of the situation, he will get his money as soon as it arrives.  Although sadly he didnt make as much money as some, he has still made money.  The return isnt huge but £150 profit on a £700 for a few months is still more than reasonable and certainly alot more than what he would receive in the bank.

I believe the next point was about having the money in your account.  Funnily enough I dont see this as an option. 

I do feel slightly annoyed that everyone was hucky dory on here for around 7 or 8 months but as soon as I have 3 losers on the trot then people suddenyl want to see screenshots.  No-one ever questioned anything while things were going well but know its all different.  As I stated in the opening thread I would be happy to provide statements or even open the account up to people whilst at DTD.  I believe I have done this for 3 people involved and also 2 different people have watched me trade out of a game at DTD including Colchester Kev.  I do find it a bit insulting that people know want to see things but as said before I will do it.  I certainly wont be posting anything up on here for everyone to see but will happily supply things for investors only to see.

Finally it now seems that you are making MSN convo's up to further make me look bad.  I really dont see why your doing this but you really shouldnt involve others into this.  Tighty has confirmed that the other convo's didnt happen so why put this?

Im hoping this covers everything as I doubt im going to make such a reply again.  This really has annoyed me which is probably what you set out to achieve.  Again I just like to point out a few key statements: -

I have never claimed to know anyone that moves markets
I have never claimed to have a 2% account
I dont charge for what im doing
Im only doing this from my own judgement and was an experiment at the start of the season
I do have some money myself invested in this
I stand to gain a lot of knowledge from doing this which will help in other areas
I stand to gain an account that has a reduced commision.
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« Reply #198 on: June 16, 2010, 05:21:04 PM »

Next point - Evilpie you are a %£$&, you well know im not in my 30's, simply my late 20's who had a tough paper round.


'The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry.'
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« Reply #199 on: June 16, 2010, 05:33:03 PM »

I havent replied till now because I went out last night and was in a pretty bad mood.  Ive also had a few things to do this morning and wanted to re read a few messages before I posted.  I dont feel that I have to reply but seeing as this is now over 13 pages of crap written its probably best that I do.  Ill try to answer as many questions that I can and hopefully put a finish on this so we can move on a bit.

Firstly Mark, and im assuming your Mark Wilson, I really dont know why you have this passionate hate for me.  Im not sure if you remember but around a year ago at DTD you had been drinking a bit and decided to sit at a cash game where I was playing whilst waiting for George to finish in the comp.  You simply sat down and played 6 hands in an hour and instead of playing you simply threw abuse at me for an hour.  I sat there and took assuming you were drunk and not really sure who you were.  The comments from you such as "I know who you are but im not telling you who I am" etc I found a bit weird.  It got to the point where 2 people and the dealer complained about the abuse and eventually 2 left because of it and then the game broke.  IIRC I had never spoken to you before nor even been at the same table.  So I can only assume that you hate me because your not known as "The Betfair Guy", im not claiming I am either but the sucess of this has to be the reason. 

As for some of your questions and other points you make, I think they have all been covered by other investors but if not ill try to cover most of them from memory.

I have never claimed to have any "information sources".  It is simply myself pricing up games and assuming / guessing / thinking which way the markets will move.  I apologise to my investors if they were led to believe different but I think this is quite clear on the OP and to all the investors that came on board.  I do however have places I look for reseeach / information / stats on the Internet and I have a spreadsheet of previous movements which I consult when certain factors are involved.

This South Korea vs Greece game, seems to be quite a big point for you.  It seems as if I have made a big mistake in missing this game, and yes, we could have made a big profit on this game.  I apologise to my investors if they were under the impression that I would be working on this trading 24/7 and treating it as my main job.  I also apologise if they thought I would be trading every single game, or if they thought I would be sacrificing my social life to do this.  As Simon Galloway points out on page 101, 2 posts off the bottom, he is quite clear as to what he expected and although I am annoyed I didnt see this one Im not going to apologise too much for it.  As already stated the whole of Saturday was going to be out for me, but I thought I would try to do the England game as previously it had worked well for me and more importantly the timing of the game wouldnt interfere at all with the rest of the day.

You also state that poker players have asked you about this.  I have no problem with you giving your advice but why dont you keep it to those that ask?  If you want to say im a joke and dont know what im doing to individuals that ask you directly then by all means tell them that, after all it is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

You keep saying you have no axe to grind, but to myself and others it seems you clear do, from the events at DTD to over 14 pages of this now.

Your next point says you went to bet that I dont have a 2% commision account on page 91.  I have never claimed to have a 2% account and infact I hope I was quite open that this would be a new account and therefore the commision would have to start on 5%.  Again if I havent made this clear to anyone then I apologise.  Within the same point you claim I need staking for this.  The quite simple fact is that I dont.  This was however an experiment at the start of the season and again I hope I highlighted this quite well.  I wasnt sure if it was going to a sucess or not but I explained what I was hoping to do.  I didnt beg for staking nor did I force anyone to join.  The blonde forum has a great spirit about it and I believe investors saw an opputunity to hopefully make a few quid whilst having something to follow for the football season.  I hope I nevr portrayed this as a get rich quick scheme as this was never likely, but again if I did to anyone then I apologise.

For some weird reason you seem to think I have to know people to be good at this.  Your right, I probably dont know the top 5 players but I certainly know the number 1, and although I dont speak to him apart from when I see him maybe 2 or 3 times a year I dont see what this proves.   Why do I need to these players to make a profit?  Dont get me wrong it would help but its not a definate need.

Next point - Evilpie you are a %£$&, you well know im not in my 30's, simply my late 20's who had a tough paper round.

I think the next point you move onto was the roulette.  Its probably best that you dont listen to rumour like this but on this instance you are half correct.  Yes I did have a little play on the roulette and yes it was on the 28/29 section but it was £!k a spin and nor was it £50 notes.  I chucked over a bag of £20 notes that I had won at the cash game that night at DTD and spent just over half of it on around 4 or 5 spins.  I really dont see what I do with my cash is anyone business.

Next point - Staking.  I think this one has annoyed a few people as some of the greatest players in the World are staked, and each have their own reasons.  On some of the bigger events I like to sell a few % and for the cash game in Vegas I have sold half of my action.  There are many a reason why people get staked and normally lack of funds isnt one of them.  I could be mistaken but I believe Flushy is staked, Dubai is staked and even some of the Full Tilt red pros are staked full time.  I dont see staking as a weakness at all and so long as people are happy to stake me for certain events then ill keep offering it.  I still look at poker a sbeing a hobby.  A hobby that has produced me some good results and some very profitable ones.  I dont rely on poker for an income and maybe this is one of the reasons why I have had a few results.

Then we have the whole MSN convo with Iwillwinlots.  Personally for you to state the convo once he has asked you specificaly not to was pretty wrong.  I have had a few PM's with him and although he knows im annoyed with the situation, it doesnt change anything.  He has asked to cash out and I have made him aware of the situation, he will get his money as soon as it arrives.  Although sadly he didnt make as much money as some, he has still made money.  The return isnt huge but £150 profit on a £700 for a few months is still more than reasonable and certainly alot more than what he would receive in the bank.

I believe the next point was about having the money in your account.  Funnily enough I dont see this as an option. 

I do feel slightly annoyed that everyone was hucky dory on here for around 7 or 8 months but as soon as I have 3 losers on the trot then people suddenyl want to see screenshots.  No-one ever questioned anything while things were going well but know its all different.  As I stated in the opening thread I would be happy to provide statements or even open the account up to people whilst at DTD.  I believe I have done this for 3 people involved and also 2 different people have watched me trade out of a game at DTD including Colchester Kev.  I do find it a bit insulting that people know want to see things but as said before I will do it.  I certainly wont be posting anything up on here for everyone to see but will happily supply things for investors only to see.

Finally it now seems that you are making MSN convo's up to further make me look bad.  I really dont see why your doing this but you really shouldnt involve others into this.  Tighty has confirmed that the other convo's didnt happen so why put this?

Im hoping this covers everything as I doubt im going to make such a reply again.  This really has annoyed me which is probably what you set out to achieve.  Again I just like to point out a few key statements: -

I have never claimed to know anyone that moves markets
I have never claimed to have a 2% account
I dont charge for what im doing
Im only doing this from my own judgement and was an experiment at the start of the season
I do have some money myself invested in this
I stand to gain a lot of knowledge from doing this which will help in other areas
I stand to gain an account that has a reduced commision.


In the category of Funniest Poster I nominate sovietsong. - mantis 21/12/2012
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« Reply #200 on: June 16, 2010, 05:37:14 PM »

Soviet, maybe me you and Blatch should hang out since we all look like old men?

@GreekStein on twitter.

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« Reply #201 on: June 16, 2010, 05:38:53 PM »

I havent replied till now because I went out last night and was in a pretty bad mood.  Ive also had a few things to do this morning and wanted to re read a few messages before I posted.  I dont feel that I have to reply but seeing as this is now over 13 pages of crap written its probably best that I do.  Ill try to answer as many questions that I can and hopefully put a finish on this so we can move on a bit.

Firstly Mark, and im assuming your Mark Wilson, I really dont know why you have this passionate hate for me.  Im not sure if you remember but around a year ago at DTD you had been drinking a bit and decided to sit at a cash game where I was playing whilst waiting for George to finish in the comp.  You simply sat down and played 6 hands in an hour and instead of playing you simply threw abuse at me for an hour.  I sat there and took assuming you were drunk and not really sure who you were.  The comments from you such as "I know who you are but im not telling you who I am" etc I found a bit weird.  It got to the point where 2 people and the dealer complained about the abuse and eventually 2 left because of it and then the game broke.  IIRC I had never spoken to you before nor even been at the same table.  So I can only assume that you hate me because your not known as "The Betfair Guy", im not claiming I am either but the sucess of this has to be the reason. 

As for some of your questions and other points you make, I think they have all been covered by other investors but if not ill try to cover most of them from memory.

I have never claimed to have any "information sources".  It is simply myself pricing up games and assuming / guessing / thinking which way the markets will move.  I apologise to my investors if they were led to believe different but I think this is quite clear on the OP and to all the investors that came on board.  I do however have places I look for reseeach / information / stats on the Internet and I have a spreadsheet of previous movements which I consult when certain factors are involved.

This South Korea vs Greece game, seems to be quite a big point for you.  It seems as if I have made a big mistake in missing this game, and yes, we could have made a big profit on this game.  I apologise to my investors if they were under the impression that I would be working on this trading 24/7 and treating it as my main job.  I also apologise if they thought I would be trading every single game, or if they thought I would be sacrificing my social life to do this.  As Simon Galloway points out on page 101, 2 posts off the bottom, he is quite clear as to what he expected and although I am annoyed I didnt see this one Im not going to apologise too much for it.  As already stated the whole of Saturday was going to be out for me, but I thought I would try to do the England game as previously it had worked well for me and more importantly the timing of the game wouldnt interfere at all with the rest of the day.

You also state that poker players have asked you about this.  I have no problem with you giving your advice but why dont you keep it to those that ask?  If you want to say im a joke and dont know what im doing to individuals that ask you directly then by all means tell them that, after all it is your opinion and you are entitled to it.

You keep saying you have no axe to grind, but to myself and others it seems you clear do, from the events at DTD to over 14 pages of this now.

Your next point says you went to bet that I dont have a 2% commision account on page 91.  I have never claimed to have a 2% account and infact I hope I was quite open that this would be a new account and therefore the commision would have to start on 5%.  Again if I havent made this clear to anyone then I apologise.  Within the same point you claim I need staking for this.  The quite simple fact is that I dont.  This was however an experiment at the start of the season and again I hope I highlighted this quite well.  I wasnt sure if it was going to a sucess or not but I explained what I was hoping to do.  I didnt beg for staking nor did I force anyone to join.  The blonde forum has a great spirit about it and I believe investors saw an opputunity to hopefully make a few quid whilst having something to follow for the football season.  I hope I nevr portrayed this as a get rich quick scheme as this was never likely, but again if I did to anyone then I apologise.

For some weird reason you seem to think I have to know people to be good at this.  Your right, I probably dont know the top 5 players but I certainly know the number 1, and although I dont speak to him apart from when I see him maybe 2 or 3 times a year I dont see what this proves.   Why do I need to these players to make a profit?  Dont get me wrong it would help but its not a definate need.

Next point - Evilpie you are a %£$&, you well know im not in my 30's, simply my late 20's who had a tough paper round.

I think the next point you move onto was the roulette.  Its probably best that you dont listen to rumour like this but on this instance you are half correct.  Yes I did have a little play on the roulette and yes it was on the 28/29 section but it was £!k a spin and nor was it £50 notes.  I chucked over a bag of £20 notes that I had won at the cash game that night at DTD and spent just over half of it on around 4 or 5 spins.  I really dont see what I do with my cash is anyone business.

Next point - Staking.  I think this one has annoyed a few people as some of the greatest players in the World are staked, and each have their own reasons.  On some of the bigger events I like to sell a few % and for the cash game in Vegas I have sold half of my action.  There are many a reason why people get staked and normally lack of funds isnt one of them.  I could be mistaken but I believe Flushy is staked, Dubai is staked and even some of the Full Tilt red pros are staked full time.  I dont see staking as a weakness at all and so long as people are happy to stake me for certain events then ill keep offering it.  I still look at poker a sbeing a hobby.  A hobby that has produced me some good results and some very profitable ones.  I dont rely on poker for an income and maybe this is one of the reasons why I have had a few results.

Then we have the whole MSN convo with Iwillwinlots.  Personally for you to state the convo once he has asked you specificaly not to was pretty wrong.  I have had a few PM's with him and although he knows im annoyed with the situation, it doesnt change anything.  He has asked to cash out and I have made him aware of the situation, he will get his money as soon as it arrives.  Although sadly he didnt make as much money as some, he has still made money.  The return isnt huge but £150 profit on a £700 for a few months is still more than reasonable and certainly alot more than what he would receive in the bank.

I believe the next point was about having the money in your account.  Funnily enough I dont see this as an option. 

I do feel slightly annoyed that everyone was hucky dory on here for around 7 or 8 months but as soon as I have 3 losers on the trot then people suddenyl want to see screenshots.  No-one ever questioned anything while things were going well but know its all different.  As I stated in the opening thread I would be happy to provide statements or even open the account up to people whilst at DTD.  I believe I have done this for 3 people involved and also 2 different people have watched me trade out of a game at DTD including Colchester Kev.  I do find it a bit insulting that people know want to see things but as said before I will do it.  I certainly wont be posting anything up on here for everyone to see but will happily supply things for investors only to see.

Finally it now seems that you are making MSN convo's up to further make me look bad.  I really dont see why your doing this but you really shouldnt involve others into this.  Tighty has confirmed that the other convo's didnt happen so why put this?

Im hoping this covers everything as I doubt im going to make such a reply again.  This really has annoyed me which is probably what you set out to achieve.  Again I just like to point out a few key statements: -

I have never claimed to know anyone that moves markets
I have never claimed to have a 2% account
I dont charge for what im doing
Im only doing this from my own judgement and was an experiment at the start of the season
I do have some money myself invested in this
I stand to gain a lot of knowledge from doing this which will help in other areas
I stand to gain an account that has a reduced commision.



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« Reply #202 on: June 16, 2010, 05:53:25 PM »

Next point - Evilpie you are a %£$&, you well know im not in my 30's, simply my late 20's who had a tough paper round.


That would be incred.

In the category of Funniest Poster I nominate sovietsong. - mantis 21/12/2012
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« Reply #203 on: June 16, 2010, 05:57:24 PM »

Soviet, maybe me you and Blatch should hang out since we all look like old men?

only met blatch and i can honestly say i thought he was older than me

I am the master of my fate
I am the captain of my soul.
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« Reply #204 on: June 16, 2010, 06:00:09 PM »

Soviet, maybe me you and Blatch should hang out since we all look like old men?

only met blatch and i can honestly say i thought he was older than me

we met at the blonde bash, your out of order...
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 06:08:47 PM by sovietsong » Logged

In the category of Funniest Poster I nominate sovietsong. - mantis 21/12/2012
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« Reply #205 on: June 16, 2010, 06:09:36 PM »

appreciate the reply.  Didnt think it was coming.  not sure how 'tighty' can confirm what happened on my msn given that he isnt in my office but that doesnt really matter.  Everything i have stated on this thread is 100% factual from my end.  I will leave the forum now and let you will get on with your scheme and wish you all the best with it.  Everyone seems happy with it.  People stating i am full of shi t might want to read my posts on the betfair prem charge for example and realise not many people would know how that works if i was just a random geezer with some needle.

You obviously come from a different school to me regarding staking but each to their own.  When i run a business (you state you are a professional punter as betfair is your main source of income) i prefer to keep 100% of my profits rather than give them to others because i cant manage my roll properly. All my mates and I would find it embarrassing asking on a public forum for staking into a £300 and £150 fo if you were happy to spunk a monkey or a grand away on a spin of a roulette wheel and we do joke about some of these staking threads.  But, like i say, each to their own if you want to be a professional punter and give half your winnings to someone else when he think you have a decent edge thats your business not mine.   I have nothing against you at all - i dont even know you.  

The time at dtd was a pissed up wind up to needle you a bit when a couple of mates of mine were at dtd.  They are both punters/poker players on bf and at the time you were asking for staking for a £300 fo and a £150 fo on the bf forum.  One of them said who fancies going to needle that guy a bit about how skint he must be to need staking into a £300 and £150 event as, even you would admit if you remember, u were sitting at the cash table giving it the big one and trash talking people at the table most hands that night.  If you werent giving it the big one at the cash table i doubt it would never of happened.   It was a bit of fun between a few pissed up lads and you were the unsuspecting bystander.  I am sorry if that night offended you but i dont think i said anything massively offensive.  

Then this thread started and i was asked about it like i said from several people regarding whether to invest.  I have to admit i didnt realise you werent taking a cut but it did make me wonder why you were doing it given you werent making a fair chunk for yourself.  I am naturally negative about anyone seeking staking given my views above.  Therefore i recommended they didnt invest.  

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« Reply #206 on: June 16, 2010, 06:10:21 PM »

appreciate the reply.  Didnt think it was coming.  not sure how 'tighty' can confirm what happened on my msn given that he isnt in my office but that doesnt really matter.  Everything i have stated on this thread is 100% factual from my end.  I will leave the forum now and let you will get on with your scheme and wish you all the best with it.  Everyone seems happy with it.  People stating i am full of shi t might want to read my posts on the betfair prem charge for example and realise not many people would know how that works if i was just a random geezer with some needle.

You obviously come from a different school to me regarding staking but each to their own.  When i run a business (you state you are a professional punter as betfair is your main source of income) i prefer to keep 100% of my profits rather than give them to others because i cant manage my roll properly. All my mates and I would find it embarrassing asking on a public forum for staking into a £300 and £150 fo if you were happy to spunk a monkey or a grand away on a spin of a roulette wheel and we do joke about some of these staking threads.  But, like i say, each to their own if you want to be a professional punter and give half your winnings to someone else when he think you have a decent edge thats your business not mine.   I have nothing against you at all - i dont even know you.  

The time at dtd was a pissed up wind up to needle you a bit when a couple of mates of mine were at dtd.  They are both punters/poker players on bf and at the time you were asking for staking for a £300 fo and a £150 fo on the bf forum.  One of them said who fancies going to needle that guy a bit about how skint he must be to need staking into a £300 and £150 event as, even you would admit if you remember, u were sitting at the cash table giving it the big one and trash talking people at the table most hands that night.  If you werent giving it the big one at the cash table i doubt it would never of happened.   It was a bit of fun between a few pissed up lads and you were the unsuspecting bystander.  I am sorry if that night offended you but i dont think i said anything massively offensive.  

Then this thread started and i was asked about it like i said from several people regarding whether to invest.  I have to admit i didnt realise you werent taking a cut but it did make me wonder why you were doing it given you werent making a fair chunk for yourself.  I am naturally negative about anyone seeking staking given my views above.  Therefore i recommended they didnt invest.  


In the category of Funniest Poster I nominate sovietsong. - mantis 21/12/2012
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« Reply #207 on: June 16, 2010, 06:24:37 PM »

so basically it was a personal attack from the start.

Ole Ole Ole Ole!
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« Reply #208 on: June 16, 2010, 06:31:03 PM »

Any money on South Africa??

You have to Risk it for the biscuit!!!
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« Reply #209 on: June 16, 2010, 06:33:19 PM »

appreciate the reply.  Didnt think it was coming.  not sure how 'tighty' can confirm what happened on my msn given that he isnt in my office but that doesnt really matter.  Everything i have stated on this thread is 100% factual from my end.  I will leave the forum now and let you will get on with your scheme and wish you all the best with it.  Everyone seems happy with it.  People stating i am full of shi t might want to read my posts on the betfair prem charge for example and realise not many people would know how that works if i was just a random geezer with some needle.

You obviously come from a different school to me regarding staking but each to their own.  When i run a business (you state you are a professional punter as betfair is your main source of income) i prefer to keep 100% of my profits rather than give them to others because i cant manage my roll properly. All my mates and I would find it embarrassing asking on a public forum for staking into a £300 and £150 fo if you were happy to spunk a monkey or a grand away on a spin of a roulette wheel and we do joke about some of these staking threads.  But, like i say, each to their own if you want to be a professional punter and give half your winnings to someone else when he think you have a decent edge thats your business not mine.   I have nothing against you at all - i dont even know you.  

The time at dtd was a pissed up wind up to needle you a bit when a couple of mates of mine were at dtd.  They are both punters/poker players on bf and at the time you were asking for staking for a £300 fo and a £150 fo on the bf forum.  One of them said who fancies going to needle that guy a bit about how skint he must be to need staking into a £300 and £150 event as, even you would admit if you remember, u were sitting at the cash table giving it the big one and trash talking people at the table most hands that night.  If you werent giving it the big one at the cash table i doubt it would never of happened.   It was a bit of fun between a few pissed up lads and you were the unsuspecting bystander.  I am sorry if that night offended you but i dont think i said anything massively offensive.  

Then this thread started and i was asked about it like i said from several people regarding whether to invest.  I have to admit i didnt realise you werent taking a cut but it did make me wonder why you were doing it given you werent making a fair chunk for yourself.  I am naturally negative about anyone seeking staking given my views above.  Therefore i recommended they didnt invest.  

So yet another person on the net who stirs the hornets nest, claims he knows everything and finds out he can't read, doesn't understand and is just an arse.

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