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The Best In The Business
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Topic: The Best In The Business (Read 1560743 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7650 on:
March 15, 2016, 08:39:38 PM »
Quote from: stato_1 on March 15, 2016, 02:22:41 PM
Quote from: pleno1 on March 15, 2016, 12:41:43 PM
I've never ever had a football injury in my life. Always thought whenever people said they were injured that it couldn't be that bad and they were probably just soft.
After 1 mi the today I ether tore or severely pulled my hamstring. Very very sore.
How old are you now?
I had exactly the same thoughts about injuries in cricket as I'd never missed a single game through injury till this season while all around me missed chunks.
Was actually talking about it in the week leading up to the season then missed 6-7 weeks after tearing my Soleus in first game, then tore my hamstring later in the season as well... It's a pain in the arse!
Yeah perhaps just getting old :/
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7651 on:
March 18, 2016, 09:12:58 AM »
Actually only played once this week and it was a pretty poor session. Waiting to get an additional Internet for the house and will grind more from my room rather than office. Will just be a bit quieter and easier to stream and do calls with people this way. Have done a bunch of coaching throughout the week though so it's been ok. Does anybody have any experience sleeping with ear plugs? Anything bad about doing to? Any negative potential impacts? I get woke up often and it really disrupts my sleeping schedule, what kind of noise cancellations does it help with? Really quite a noob with this stuff..
Planning on playing big volume this week, Saturday is pretty good day online and obviously Sunday is huge.
Really starting to get high excitement for Vegas this year. Just so many great tournaments to look forward to and looking forward to being out there.
Have no urge to play EPT Monaco at all which is a little bit weird. Not sure exactly why maybe some deeper mental issues there regarding running bad at EPTs which would be sad, but just right now at least justifying it as a bad business decision to go to Monaco and play a tournament like this when the expenses are so huge. I'm also feeling really healthy now. For all my life I've ate so poorly. So much shit food and unhealthy food but right now I'm eating better than I ever have done previously. Going to s stop like an EPT for 10 days completely destroys that kind of rhythm. Will make it a high priority to eat well this summer in Vegas. I think All American Dave is pretty solid option.
Will be living in a house with some UK cash guys this year which will be nice. Looking for a 4/5 bedroom place so if anybody has a really awesome place then lmk
I don't mean this in an arrogant way, I was going to say I'm looking forward or excited to be flying Business class to Vegas, I've never done that before but the feeling is more relief not to have such a long journey there with no comfort etc. I have to fly from Budapest to London and then from London to Vegas, it's abit of a trek.
The way I see poker now is pretty simplistic. I see everything that I do as just a puzzle, best decision = puzzle, I have to get it right and it should be mentally stimulating or at least motivating for me to want to ensure that I get each "puzzle" and it naturally stops me from auto- piloting.
Have some negative stuff I'd really love to write about that effects me on a day to day basis but it would cause some aggro so not going to do that, maybe at a later date!
Three new coaches joined our stable this month, will announce them next month, all complete sickos.
Lastly huge football game this weekend with huge conflict of interest. Newcastle play Sunderland at 1:30 in the biggest game in our history probably, win and we likely stay up, lose and almost all hope is lost, the biggest six pointer ever it seems. At 3pm my football team plays the Vikings. They are currently joint too with us and whoever wins will likely win the league. Let's hope for 12 points this Sunday!
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 24288
"He's always at it!"
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7652 on:
March 18, 2016, 09:39:19 AM »
Business with BA?
I've done that. It's very nice.
Must admit I've never understood poker players' knack for flicking it in when it comes to 100k worth of tournaments and then flying economy. Why not miss one of the 1k donkaments and fly in comfort? Who wants to sleep on a car seat when you can sleep on a bed?
As per the Vegas thread, with a little effort, you can get upper class returns through virgin for not much more than the standard Premium Economy rates. Getting off the plane first, breezing through customs and baggage collection and whizzing off to the hotel is so much a more pleasant experience.
Looking forward to you winning some jewellery.
"You must take your opponent into a deep, dark forest, where 2+2=5, and the path leading out is only wide enough for one"
Hero Member
Posts: 2462
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7653 on:
March 18, 2016, 11:51:19 AM »
Quote from: Tal on March 18, 2016, 09:39:19 AM
Business with BA?
I've done that. It's very nice.
Must admit I've never understood poker players' knack for flicking it in when it comes to 100k worth of tournaments and then flying economy. Why not miss one of the 1k donkaments and fly in comfort? Who wants to sleep on a car seat when you can sleep on a bed?
As per the Vegas thread, with a little effort, you can get upper class returns through virgin for not much more than the standard Premium Economy rates. Getting off the plane first, breezing through customs and baggage collection and whizzing off to the hotel is so much a more pleasant experience.
Looking forward to you winning some jewellery.
+1 to all that. Went return in club world last May, fantastic experience and my first time 'turning left'. The difference between economy and premium economy is pleasant (I upgraded to PE flying home in January, was ok but nothing to shout about), but the difference between PE and biz is massive and well worth the extra £££.
And to think that BA's business class product is, apparently, so far behind the middle east and Asian carriers.....just how good must theres be?!
Best Bitter.
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Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7654 on:
March 18, 2016, 03:40:19 PM »
Quote from: Tal on March 18, 2016, 09:39:19 AM
Business with BA?
I've done that. It's very nice.
Must admit I've never understood poker players' knack for flicking it in when it comes to 100k worth of tournaments and then flying economy. Why not miss one of the 1k donkaments and fly in comfort? Who wants to sleep on a car seat when you can sleep on a bed?
As per the Vegas thread, with a little effort, you can get upper class returns through virgin for not much more than the standard Premium Economy rates. Getting off the plane first,
breezing through customs
and baggage collection and whizzing off to the hotel is so much a more pleasant experience.
Looking forward to you winning some jewellery.
that doesn't happen in vegas :p
Business on flights over 5 hours = so awesome <3 upgrades ftw
Hero Member
Posts: 3525
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7655 on:
March 19, 2016, 06:28:11 AM »
With BA you can pay £600 for an upgrade to club from economy at the airport on the day. Someone here is saying an extra $1k for club? Is it possible to fly club for just this little? How about virgin? I always thought it cost about £4k return to fly business.
Quote from: titaniumbean on April 05, 2013, 02:23:10 PM
Quote from: lucky_scrote on August 04, 2014, 04:57:13 AM
stato_1 said, "banoffee pie i reckon"
stato_1 said, "this is delicious"
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7656 on:
March 19, 2016, 08:05:26 AM »
Quote from: pleno1 on March 15, 2016, 07:27:16 AM
So woke up at 4am, had a message from Apotheosis asking some stuff about Vegas and WSOP.
3 hours later I've booked a business trip to Vegas on June 3rd till July 17th and apparently going to play a full WSOP schedule!
Last year was pretty good. Last two tables in the 10k PLO losing a std flip to go 5/14 and then last 3 tables of a 2000 runner field $1500 losing Kk v qq for 2/20 as well as another last 30 or so in $1500.
Times were tough at times, I had an emotional roller coaster, but it was pretty fun. This year mentally I'm incredibly strong and I think this will be my last year going to Vegas. I cannot wait for it and I'm going to be so ready and prepared mentally, physically and strategically that I'm going to put myself in as many positions as possible to do really well. Of course MTT variance dictates that playing such a few amount of tournaments that I can easily do poorly results wise, but I know that when I'm flying back on July 18th I'm not going to have any regrets.
Here is likely schedule I'll play, some tournaments are on the fence such as the 10k hu.
June 6th - $1500 no limit
June 7th - $10,000 no limit HU
June 8th - $1500 no limit 6max
June 10th - $1500 millionaire maker
June 11th - $1500 millionaire maker
June 12th - $1000 no limit
June 13th - $1000 Omaha
June 14th - $3000 no limit 6max
June 15th - $2000 no limit
June 16th - $2500 no limit
June 16th - $1500 o8
June 18th - $1500 no limit
June 18th - $3000 PLO
June 20th - $1500 90 min levels
June 21st - $5000 no limit 6max
June 22nd - $1500 PLO
June 23rd - $10k 6max
June 24th - $3000 no limit shootout
June 25th - $1500 monster stack
June 26th - $1000 no limit
June 26th - $1500 no limit/PLO mix
June 27th - $1500 bounty no limit
June 28th - $5000 no limit
June 29th- $1500 no limit shootout
June 29th - $10000 PLO
June 30th - $3000 no limit
June 30th - $1500 mix
July 1st - $888
July 1st - $888
July 2nd - $888
July 2nd - $888
July 3rd - $1500 no limit
July 3rd - $1500 o8
July 4th - $1000 no limit
July 5th - $5000 no limit
July 6th - $1000 tag team
July 7th - $1000 no limit
July 7th - $3000 o8
July 8th - $111,111 one drop
July 9-11th - $10000 no limi main
Staying in a house is a lot more desirable this year now that Uber is in Vegas and I don't have to depend on unreliable taxi drivers.
Vam fkn os
Been too busy to comment much of late, but what a mouth watering schedule that is, Patrick.
Some quick sums suggest $190k worth, or £300k if the One Drop is included. Just wow.
In the pre-boom days of poker, sort of between the original Late Night Poker in the late 90's, & the early 2000's, The Hendon Mob sprung to prominence. They had the first & best Online Poker "mega-deals" for a room called PRIMA. (Which sort of disappeared in around 2004 or 5 when it morphed into Microgaming/MPN). Their next deal, I seem to recall, was with Full Tilt, though of course that all ended badly & sadly. Genting, GPI & Grosvenor deals followed. They - Joe mainly, with help from Barny - also built The Hendon Mob & later sold it for a bloody fortune, wp them. Those boys did well.
PRIMA sponsored The Hendon Mob - all 4 of them, Joe, Ram, Barny & Ross - to play the entire WSOP, a schedule similar you yours, though of course in those days, the schedule was less than half the size it was now.
It was one of my early inspirations in poker, I always thought that playing the entire WSOP was a sign that a player had made it, reached the poker pinnacle.
Like so many other hopefuls, I set out to travel that road, but never got much beyond, say, J10 before it became clear I was never gonna reach that goal. So here I am, 15-16 years later, playing smallball poker & trying to scrape together $10 or $15k for a Vegas schedule, but still loving the glorious game of poker.
Interesting to reflect on the original Hendon Mob. Ram rarely plays these days, he's more of a sports bettor I think, & Ross is still prioritising his acting career. Barny, remarkably, has somehow stayed ahead of that ever changing curve & enjoyed a renaissance, with 2 WSOP Bracelets in the last 2 or 3 years. Joe & Barny both still have deals, these days with Joe is more of a businessman these days, & he & I are quite close, he's a perfect role model for aspiring Pros (& even Senior Pros) in how to keep sponsor happy by what he says & does, & how he conducts himself.
Sorry about all that waffle, but your schedule just blew me away, & set me thinking.
I'm neither jealous or envious, but my oh my, you are a (deservedly) lucky young man to be able to contemplate such a schedule, & I'd give my right arm to do something similar, as would most of us at the bottom of the pile.
I wish you well with it, & don't forget the most important thing - enjoy it.
Last Edit: March 19, 2016, 08:18:54 AM by tikay
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
Full Member
Posts: 107
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7657 on:
March 19, 2016, 09:01:28 AM »
I'm sure Joe Beevers is a very nice chap but I always wanted to dislike him.
"The Elegance"
Come on
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7658 on:
March 19, 2016, 09:13:23 AM »
Quote from: Jac on March 19, 2016, 09:01:28 AM
I'm sure Joe Beevers is a very nice chap but I always wanted to dislike him.
"The Elegance"
Come on
It was the habit in those days, it was mandatory for EVERY poker player of note to have a nick, God knows why, just media hooks I suppose. I disliked most nicks, including that one, but Joe is a truly lovely man in every way, & I have much to thank him for. Those who did not have a nick, because we did not always recognize them, were always known as "Matey Boy". (Copyright me).
Tough businessman, you don't want him on the other side of the table, but a genuinely good friend & a good family man.
Anyway, I'd better stop waffling on Patrick's thread, or he'll get cross with me.
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
Hero Member
Posts: 15127
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7659 on:
March 19, 2016, 09:21:56 AM »
Ram was one of my heroes when I first started getting into poker. Shame he doesn't play anymore.
Ole Ole Ole Ole!
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7660 on:
March 19, 2016, 09:30:25 AM »
Quote from: George2Loose on March 19, 2016, 09:21:56 AM
Ram was one of my heroes when I first started getting into poker. Shame he doesn't play anymore.
He was a real character, proper draw card, as he had that sort of edgy look & manner about him.
He changed quite a bit when he became a Dad, though.
We used to travel the circuit in those days, & when The Mob rolled into town, it was always a special occasion. When I look back on it, it was embarrassing how Ram used to push me around at the poker table. He bullied me mercilessly one week at the old Luton G in some comp, time after time, & so I resolved to play back at him next time he did it. He did it once too often though, & I eventually fond some ammo to play back at him, A-K beats his range all day, so in went my stack with one of my rarest of rare 5 bets. (Career total 3). He had the Aces, obv.
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7661 on:
March 19, 2016, 10:35:49 AM »
Quote from: tikay on March 19, 2016, 08:05:26 AM
Quote from: pleno1 on March 15, 2016, 07:27:16 AM
So woke up at 4am, had a message from Apotheosis asking some stuff about Vegas and WSOP.
3 hours later I've booked a business trip to Vegas on June 3rd till July 17th and apparently going to play a full WSOP schedule!
Last year was pretty good. Last two tables in the 10k PLO losing a std flip to go 5/14 and then last 3 tables of a 2000 runner field $1500 losing Kk v qq for 2/20 as well as another last 30 or so in $1500.
Times were tough at times, I had an emotional roller coaster, but it was pretty fun. This year mentally I'm incredibly strong and I think this will be my last year going to Vegas. I cannot wait for it and I'm going to be so ready and prepared mentally, physically and strategically that I'm going to put myself in as many positions as possible to do really well. Of course MTT variance dictates that playing such a few amount of tournaments that I can easily do poorly results wise, but I know that when I'm flying back on July 18th I'm not going to have any regrets.
Here is likely schedule I'll play, some tournaments are on the fence such as the 10k hu.
June 6th - $1500 no limit
June 7th - $10,000 no limit HU
June 8th - $1500 no limit 6max
June 10th - $1500 millionaire maker
June 11th - $1500 millionaire maker
June 12th - $1000 no limit
June 13th - $1000 Omaha
June 14th - $3000 no limit 6max
June 15th - $2000 no limit
June 16th - $2500 no limit
June 16th - $1500 o8
June 18th - $1500 no limit
June 18th - $3000 PLO
June 20th - $1500 90 min levels
June 21st - $5000 no limit 6max
June 22nd - $1500 PLO
June 23rd - $10k 6max
June 24th - $3000 no limit shootout
June 25th - $1500 monster stack
June 26th - $1000 no limit
June 26th - $1500 no limit/PLO mix
June 27th - $1500 bounty no limit
June 28th - $5000 no limit
June 29th- $1500 no limit shootout
June 29th - $10000 PLO
June 30th - $3000 no limit
June 30th - $1500 mix
July 1st - $888
July 1st - $888
July 2nd - $888
July 2nd - $888
July 3rd - $1500 no limit
July 3rd - $1500 o8
July 4th - $1000 no limit
July 5th - $5000 no limit
July 6th - $1000 tag team
July 7th - $1000 no limit
July 7th - $3000 o8
July 8th - $111,111 one drop
July 9-11th - $10000 no limi main
Staying in a house is a lot more desirable this year now that Uber is in Vegas and I don't have to depend on unreliable taxi drivers.
Vam fkn os
Been too busy to comment much of late, but what a mouth watering schedule that is, Patrick.
Some quick sums suggest $190k worth, or £300k if the One Drop is included. Just wow.
In the pre-boom days of poker, sort of between the original Late Night Poker in the late 90's, & the early 2000's, The Hendon Mob sprung to prominence. They had the first & best Online Poker "mega-deals" for a room called PRIMA. (Which sort of disappeared in around 2004 or 5 when it morphed into Microgaming/MPN). Their next deal, I seem to recall, was with Full Tilt, though of course that all ended badly & sadly. Genting, GPI & Grosvenor deals followed. They - Joe mainly, with help from Barny - also built The Hendon Mob & later sold it for a bloody fortune, wp them. Those boys did well.
PRIMA sponsored The Hendon Mob - all 4 of them, Joe, Ram, Barny & Ross - to play the entire WSOP, a schedule similar you yours, though of course in those days, the schedule was less than half the size it was now.
It was one of my early inspirations in poker, I always thought that playing the entire WSOP was a sign that a player had made it, reached the poker pinnacle.
Like so many other hopefuls, I set out to travel that road, but never got much beyond, say, J10 before it became clear I was never gonna reach that goal. So here I am, 15-16 years later, playing smallball poker & trying to scrape together $10 or $15k for a Vegas schedule, but still loving the glorious game of poker.
Interesting to reflect on the original Hendon Mob. Ram rarely plays these days, he's more of a sports bettor I think, & Ross is still prioritising his acting career. Barny, remarkably, has somehow stayed ahead of that ever changing curve & enjoyed a renaissance, with 2 WSOP Bracelets in the last 2 or 3 years. Joe & Barny both still have deals, these days with Joe is more of a businessman these days, & he & I are quite close, he's a perfect role model for aspiring Pros (& even Senior Pros) in how to keep sponsor happy by what he says & does, & how he conducts himself.
Sorry about all that waffle, but your schedule just blew me away, & set me thinking.
I'm neither jealous or envious, but my oh my, you are a (deservedly) lucky young man to be able to contemplate such a schedule, & I'd give my right arm to do something similar, as would most of us at the bottom of the pile.
I wish you well with it, & don't forget the most important thing - enjoy it.
Hey nice post Tikay
I rarely read full posts on forums but always do with yours as I know you put time into them and it's not waffle.
I think you (or potentially I) miscalculated the schedule amount though. 300k definitely seems too
Much (or more than I budgeted for) I know my Mum reads the thread so don't worry Mum! It's not going to cost me that much... I'll win it back on roulette anyway!
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Sr. Member
Posts: 670
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7662 on:
March 19, 2016, 11:07:10 AM »
I count approx $106k + the $111k one drop : when you look at all of those events it really puts into perspective the cost of the One Drop!
I'm quite sure you will be doing so anyway, but if you play the one drop I wouldn't have too high a % of yourself - maybe 25% max. Far too much to risk for one event, surely need a £5 million+ roll to justify playing an event like that without any backing.
Hero Member
Posts: I am a geek!!
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7663 on:
March 19, 2016, 11:12:36 AM »
Ahh yes, apologies a little matter of $100k adrift there. I really must double check these things.
Mum's the word.
All details of the 2016 Vegas Staking Adventure can be found via this link -
(copyright Anthony James Kendall, 2016).
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #7664 on:
March 19, 2016, 11:23:33 AM »
Quote from: dwayne110 on March 19, 2016, 11:07:10 AM
I count approx $106k + the $111k one drop : when you look at all of those events it really puts into perspective the cost of the One Drop!
I'm quite sure you will be doing so anyway, but if you play the one drop I wouldn't have too high a % of yourself - maybe 25% max. Far too much to risk for one event, surely need a £5 million+ roll to justify playing an event like that without any backing.
Yes Ofc.
ill actually sell for most events and try to put the average buy in around 2500. Playing 50-60 tournaments.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
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