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Topic: The Best In The Business (Read 1584200 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8775 on:
December 06, 2017, 04:32:26 AM »
Ok, so decided to go to Prague in the end, flying private for first time ever going there which will be an experience and most likely flying ryanair back haha.
Friday/Saturday I will be chilling out completely. Sunday is the stars 50k which I'm really looking forward to, and then the next day is Party 25k which I'm looking forward to aswell.
I'll most likely stay and play the main event, but depending how I'm feeling may just come back home after the 2 highrollers.
Christmas will be great, biggest one I've had probably, both sides of the family coming to stay for a few days. My birthday is on the 30th and then afer New Year's eve will hopefully be ready for big 2018!
I'll update my goals to show where I'm at now.
Quote from: OurSurveySays;53070267
Goals for 2018
It sounds strange doing "2018 goals" when October has barely past, but for what I want to achieve in 2018 I need to plan in advance and get ready. Previously I would sit at my keyboard on December 31st, hungover from my birthday the day before and scramble down the most generic goals (go to gym 2x/week, study x/week etc etc) I am not going to set a minimum or maximum amount of tournaments that I will play, or a minimum or maximum amount of hours I will study.
Pre 2018
Short term
- Create a planner for 2018 schedule of tournaments I will go to
- Hire an assistant to do the following things:
- Make sure every week fresh healthy food is delivered to home address
- Make sure when I go to live tournaments flights are booked in advance
- Make sure airbnbs are booked in advance for all live tournaments to ensure best quality/price
- Make sure fresh/healthy food is delivered to airbnb in advance
- Have a gym or sports options closeby ready and booked
[COLOR="Red"]I decided against this after listening to people, I will do most of it myself and we hired a company called Leverage that you pay monthly fee to and they will do any task you need basically, I use it with euro/elmerixx so works well and next year will use it a lot I think
- Hire an intern to work on the following things:
- Continue building the "P-Files" to a way more advanced level
[COLOR="Red"]Have been doing this and its been going AMAZING, really, really happy with this, I can't go into big detail on it, but I'm sure its as advanced as whats out there atm.[/COLOR]
These goals are kind of more long term but will see where they are at atm.
Quote from: OurSurveySays;53070267
Medium Term
- At December 31st 2018 be 100% sure that I have done everything in power to have the highest perceived (in my own opinion) roi in any tournament that I will register
[COLOR="Red"]I am working much harder than I imagined, im grinding strategy every day very hard, both with horses and by myself. I understand ICM really well through reptition. This is nothing to brag about, ICM is 90% reptition which is something a monkey can do, there is about 10% that population don't know and I'm kind of lucky that people around me work hard too to find those stuff. So I'm happy to say I think I'm good at ICM, but far from proud or braggy about it as its literally just like reading a book at university, not much skill about it at all. Startegically there are things I'm doing very different now to how I did 6 months ot 12 months ago, its kind of weird, you always think you're at a level where there won't be that much difference in your play by the time the next series comes around and then you study something and you're like fakkkkkkkk
Hopefully I think this at least 3-4 times in 2018.[/COLOR]
- At December 31st 2018 be confident I am in the top 20 online MTT regs
[COLOR="red"]I actually thought this may be something that I would maybe slip up on, but this HR series was really fun. I had deep runs in so much stuff and got good stacks and felt really confident. Lots will be down to variance, but I felt that between me/sam/tomi we are very comfortable in any online field atm, hopefully its the same this time next year.[/COLOR]
- In December play a football match and it be completely obvious that I am the fittest on the pitch (currently bottom 10% for sure)
[COLOR="red"]I bought a gym standard tredmill last week and the goal is to just use it for 10-20 minutes a day, building up a little bit of fitness and more importantly routine. I've been way too busy to play any football because of HR series and now Prague, but 2018 the goal has to be to play 2x/week.[/COLOR]
- Launch bitB in at least 5 different new countries
[COLOR="red"]Currently 20% of the way there (Hungary) and speaking with three other big/important countries, so this ones looking good[/COLOR]
- Launch bitB in at least 2 different new game types
[COLOR="red"]Launched spin n go's this month and hopefully next month cash games will be ready[/COLOR]
- When my friends ask each other where should they deposit to have a little gamble online for the answer to be partypoker.
[COLOR="red"]Haha this one is interesting. On one hand we have a fucking amazing tournament running now, I designed the structure which I genuinely believe is the best one theres ever been in high stakes online tournament, but on the other hand there was a huge fuck up with the software which got a lot of bad press, deservedly so. Next year is a very big year![/COLOR]
- For regs to speak about where they are going to grind "Powerfest" next month rather than "SCOOP/WCOOP"
[COLOR="red"]I believe powerfest will be bigger than TCOOP in January[/COLOR
Quote from: OurSurveySays;53070267
Long term
- Have a clear vision what I want to do for the next 5 years.
I've been questioning my position in poker a lot recently. Like do I want to be so much in the limelight, have a huge stable, be an ambassador for a site. I have no idea really. The poker community really is quite toxic at times, theres so much shit that goes around and I remember being exactly like this previously. I was so so so negative, I wanted to see the worst in everybody, I loved that Daniel Negreanu was getting a lot of shit, I loved seeing Jason Mo calling people bad regs or idiots on Joe Ingram podcast. I probably woke up and went to NVG looking/hoping for controversy and to see people fail, and thinking back to that its 1) Really sad I was ever like that but 2) Its really good that I've been able to learn from it.
I actually like to see the positives in people, theres a few examples in bitB a lot of people may think somebody is really bad and in the past I would 100% of jumped on the bandwagon, but I actually try and think the opposite now, even when it might sometimes be wrong that actually these guys could be very good at other things that justifies for some technical flaws and thus rois are the same which is all that matters at the end of the day.
There is lots of reasons why I'd like to just end everything, have no stable, have no ambassador role, no blog, just quietly learning and playing series and some live tournaments, it would make things a lot less stressful (I actually just found a grey hair in my beard, the night after the whole twittergate/party thing WTF?! HAHA) but there is actually lots of good ways and reasons to stay.
1- I think that I can have a positive influence in terms of how poker progresses over the next years, I think I can help with party and encourage everybody in every tournament to run
- Button ante
- 100bb maximum start stacks
- Shot clocks
This would help amateurs so much, they would have lower loss rates (their avg all in equity at 250bb stacks is 0-10% vs say 50bb stacks where its like 35-45 or whatever) and it would make poker a lot more fun again. I used to fucking love poker, I couldn sleep the night before the tournament, I would be ther 30 minutes early and wait for the screen to see the table draw and get excited etc, now most people are still fast asleep in bed by the time the 2nd level has started. People come late, show up, try and spin up a stack and if it doesn't go well nvm, they cba playing 300bb no ante poker 1st level in a tournament where pots mean nothing, that needs to change I think. Online I want to keep helping to ensure there won't be a monopoly never gets created and that other sites battle with party for clear number 2 spot over next 12 months which will make everything really healthy and positive
2- With staking, I really, really love seeing people develop/learn under our guidance and become richer both in terms of money but in terms of happiness and experiences. I'm going to partner and maybe create a poker travelling/helping grinders out company that I won't look to profit from at all that helps low/mid stakes grinders move abroad and get experiences whilst grinding. Being 23 and living in Costa Rica or Budapest or wherever else is so so cool and no job/university etc will compensate for the stuff I want to see my players experience. From this month I am changing completely how I do all of my coaching with the guys, I have a brand new system that others are not using and I think is way more beneficial, it lets me build more of a relationship with the guy and have a better understanding of where hes at and where he wants to be at moving forward. I like that a lot.
Alright will do an update from Prague from the $50k and $25k. Anything else people would want me to write about? I will have bunch of off time relaxing.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Sr. Member
Posts: 513
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8776 on:
December 08, 2017, 03:57:56 PM »
Such a great thread/blog this. Absolutely love it. Keep up the good work pleno.
On the risk/reward debate any professional gambler has to keep enough liquid to take advantage of all opportunities that come there way. Anything excess above that should be invested aggressively. Diversifying these investments is also good. Owning property or renting comes down entirely to personal circumstances and preferences.
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8777 on:
December 31, 2017, 07:04:07 PM »
I made a goal of $5m for bitB at start of the year.. Time for update, xpost from 2p2
Quote from: OurSurveySays;51468295
Why a PG&C thread?
We want to set a goal of
profit at the tables from our players in 2017 and we want to let you guys in on the journey on how we are going to make this happen.
Why follow?
To motivate you guys to follow and contribute, for every reply itt posted before 31st Dec 2017, that is at least a sentence, we will give $1 to REG charity and will double the amount if the thread reaches 5k replies. We will also give forfeits, further to be established, that will add up to the total donation number.
Ahhhhhhhhh, we got so close!
We ended up profiting $4.7m its really hard to show in a sharkscope graph because people come, people leave etc so showing peoples profit from before they came or after they left wouldnt be fair. Feels great to get so close, but sad not to hit our goal too.
We also his 1357 posts in the thread, we will round that up to 2000 for Charity and send in the next couple of days.
Unfortunately the blog didn't take off as we planned for a few different reasons, but work behind the scenes was absolutely crazy. We had to put so many hours in, was crazy crazy downs, big big ups, rollercoaster of emotions throughout the year, but reflecting on it all in all it was of course a really great year.
Plan for 2018 is really to just grow the brand and the face of the company as much as possible, whilst not making our "main stable" as big as we had initially planned. We had a very good group of players, we like working with them and we basically only take somebody in if they are very good and fit the community perfectly.
Our new branches of the company include:
bitB Development stable
bitB Spins
bitB Cash
bitB France
bitB Hungary
Within 2 months or so we've managed to get 5 very great operations working under the name that we're very involved in and that adds so much value to the overall company.
Who knows what 2018 will bring. I will keep posting my own progress over at my person blog, feel free to join the journey there.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 3795
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8778 on:
December 31, 2017, 08:31:31 PM »
Congratulations Patrick, always interesting to read your updates. I'm sure you'll continue to crush in 2018.
Hero Member
Posts: 22621
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8779 on:
January 01, 2018, 12:39:46 AM »
Only $4.7m?
In the donald''s words 'Sad'
Echo all of Grant's words, I always enjoy the updates, even the poker ones which blow my mind.
Probably won't see you at the Nugget main in the summer, but will 100% come rail if you're deep in an Aria or WSOP comp.
Congrats, and all the best for 2018.
Burning $$$ in Vegas 2021
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8780 on:
January 01, 2018, 04:22:01 AM »
Had a really nice couple of weeks over Christmas. My family was here from Newcastle and the gfs family were here from Hungary. Tough for them all to communicate with language barriers, but everybody got on very well. Ate so so so so much, jesus.
Anyway, I started doing some Pio work tonight (NYE) at around 10pm, I looked at the clock and it was 0:40, so completely missed new years eve haha, pretty geeky, but its now 4am and just finished the 6 hour study grind, good start to the New Year feeling just fantastic about poker right now, never been this happy and content.
In terms of real life, tomorrow (as it is for so many others!) begins a new start of healthy living. Eating better and made some pretty large prop bets with multiple people to run 1500m on the tredmill over the next 365 days. It's "only" 5/day, but thats about as much as I managed in 2017!! There will be times I'm away for 2 weeks, have to catch up, exercise and activity I do outdoor won't count, I'm looking forward to it though.
My gf completely redesigned my office, in a new room in the house, did it up so well, it feels so motivating to be in the office, I literally couldnt have done it any better myself, people love materialistic things, big cars, watches etc, but something like this is 100000x better for me. I really believe the different between a good player and a very good player is his set up. It is a complete game changer imo.
Just so excited to grind, get fitter, play more football, crush with bitB, really, really motivated to hopefully having an amazing year.
Will definitely not travel for live poker in January, will be at home for sure grinding the different series and the fitness stuff. February I maaaaayyyyyy go to Kings in Rozvadov, I really don't want to travel atm for poker until Barcelona in April, but the schedule at Kings is going to be phenomenal.
The "p-files" has been coming on amazing, have hundreds of hours of content there, so will put some time aside to analysing all of that too.
We (bitB) announced our results for 2017 yesterday, we had the lofty goal of $5m profit, we managed to get close ($4.7m) but not as close as we wanted. Not sure what I'm going to say for 2018. Lets say $10m, but don't hold me to that.
I'm going to write some more goals (on top of the ones I wrote a few months ago when starting this blog again)
$10m bitB profit
$250,000 online profit
$100,000 live profit
125 online sessions
30 live tournaments
1000 hours of study
1500km on tredmill
100 games of football
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8781 on:
January 01, 2018, 04:22:59 AM »
Quote from: Marky147 on January 01, 2018, 12:39:46 AM
Only $4.7m?
In the donald''s words 'Sad'
Echo all of Grant's words, I always enjoy the updates, even the poker ones which blow my mind.
Probably won't see you at the Nugget main in the summer, but will 100% come rail if you're deep in an Aria or WSOP comp.
Congrats, and all the best for 2018.
Thanks mate! Definitely taking you for dinner in vegas this year!
Quote from: Longines on December 31, 2017, 08:31:31 PM
Congratulations Patrick, always interesting to read your updates. I'm sure you'll continue to crush in 2018.
Thanks. I don't think we have met irl yet. If we're ever at same poker stop please lets get a beer.
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 18912
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8782 on:
January 02, 2018, 03:15:52 AM »
Good day 1!
Woke up decent time, had a nice sleep. Did 3km on tredmill (was way tougher than I expected jeez
) studied for 2 hours, had a nice lunch and then got into the grind. Had bunch of really nice runs and was at B+ game all day. Have this really fun sweat for tomorrow.
Click to see full-size image.
Tomorrow will try and basically do exactly the same as today.
One thing I'm struggling with is keeping focus. Like if I have less than 10 tables I just feel like I am basically not playing anything, and when less than 4 tables I just feel like its aggggessss between every action. I generally act very quick when its my decisions, but I am on discord etc too much for sure, but I feel like I can get to B+ game talking a lot to people, discussing spots etc, it makes me feel more focused and kind of present at the tables even though I'm on discord. I actually feel like it makes me think about every spot a lot deeper than if I was just grinding with everything closed.
Anyway, probably 1 table this tournament tomorrow and add more when I bust.
Was looking at houses in the area to buy/rent etc, always enjoy just looking around and Demetri send me this one:
How sick is this for London? I don't actually thin
Quote from: TightEnd on December 16, 2013, 12:59:59 AM
Worst playcalling I have ever seen. Bunch of fucking jokers . Run the bloody ball. 18 rushes all game? You have to be kidding me. Fuck off lol
Hero Member
Posts: 12788
Lazy , Hazy days
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8783 on:
January 02, 2018, 10:51:58 AM »
Quote from: action man
im not speculating, either, but id have been pretty peeved if i missed the thread and i ended up getting clipped, kindly accepting a lift home.
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
Martin Luther King Jr
Hero Member
Posts: 22621
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8784 on:
January 02, 2018, 02:40:02 PM »
Quote from: pleno1 on January 01, 2018, 04:22:59 AM
Quote from: Marky147 on January 01, 2018, 12:39:46 AM
Only $4.7m?
In the donald''s words 'Sad'
Echo all of Grant's words, I always enjoy the updates, even the poker ones which blow my mind.
Probably won't see you at the Nugget main in the summer, but will 100% come rail if you're deep in an Aria or WSOP comp.
Congrats, and all the best for 2018.
Thanks mate! Definitely taking you for dinner in vegas this year!
I'm there for the same 4 weeks, so most definitely.
We'll flip for it though
Good luck today!
Burning $$$ in Vegas 2021
Hero Member
Posts: 10437
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8785 on:
January 02, 2018, 05:51:08 PM »
Thats Buckinhamshire
- I dont think you're £2.5m is gonna get you 6 bedrooms, massive garden and a swmming pool anywhere near a tube line
I recently been dealing some people for business they said to me "I will meet you in London" turns out they were in Luton, I said to them, you know this isn't London unless you want to be really technical. Ok next time we'll meet in London, next time they are in bloody shepperton, which is technically London but over 90mins travel for me. Perhaps we should make a rule that says, if you can't get there on the tube its not London.
I remember living up North, if you were in Leeds and I was Leeds, we'd be 30 mins from each other max, quicker to get Leeds to manchester than it is from some of these London to "London" places.
this was a pretty out of context rant this, posting anyway though as might not get a better spot to bring it up.
Hero Member
Posts: 1165
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8786 on:
January 02, 2018, 06:11:13 PM »
I hear you SuuPRlim!
You're right, Marlow is some way from a tube, and about 1 hour commute to London. Lovely place, though.
However, by your definition of proximity to Tube Line, you'll get a decent pile for £2.5m near Amersham, also Buckinghamshire. Still takes an hour by tube, though, lol. Shittiest line atm. Driving from either spot wouldn't take any less than an hour, either - & probably more.
If I had that kind of money, I'd probably look around Richmond/Twickenham, but that's arguably still not London...
My definition would be a London Postcode.....
Hero Member
Posts: 22621
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8787 on:
January 02, 2018, 06:35:16 PM »
Quote from: 4KSuited on January 02, 2018, 06:11:13 PM
I hear you SuuPRlim!
You're right, Marlow is some way from a tube, and about 1 hour commute to London. Lovely place, though.
However, by your definition of proximity to Tube Line, you'll get a decent pile for £2.5m near Amersham, also Buckinghamshire. Still takes an hour by tube, though, lol. Shittiest line atm. Driving from either spot wouldn't take any less than an hour, either - & probably more.
If I had that kind of money, I'd probably look around Richmond/Twickenham, but that's arguably still not London...
My definition would be a London Postcode.....
Loads of great boozers around Twickers/Richmond/Isleworth.
Great times, plotted up that way.
Burning $$$ in Vegas 2021
Sr. Member
Posts: 917
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8788 on:
January 02, 2018, 07:41:25 PM »
Quote from: Marky147 on January 02, 2018, 06:35:16 PM
Quote from: 4KSuited on January 02, 2018, 06:11:13 PM
I hear you SuuPRlim!
You're right, Marlow is some way from a tube, and about 1 hour commute to London. Lovely place, though.
However, by your definition of proximity to Tube Line, you'll get a decent pile for £2.5m near Amersham, also Buckinghamshire. Still takes an hour by tube, though, lol. Shittiest line atm. Driving from either spot wouldn't take any less than an hour, either - & probably more.
If I had that kind of money, I'd probably look around Richmond/Twickenham, but that's arguably still not London...
My definition would be a London Postcode.....
Loads of great boozers around Twickers/Richmond/Isleworth.
Great times, plotted up that way.
where were your locals marky?
i bet twick the barmy arms and swan , isleworth london apprentice and richmond you must have ended up in park avenue for late night carnage...
Hero Member
Posts: 15837
Re: The Best In The Business
Reply #8789 on:
January 02, 2018, 07:47:10 PM »
In twickers our boozers were the eel pie, the cabbage patch, the George and just up the road in Strawberry Hill the Walgegrave. In Richmond, the cricketers, the orange tree, the ship and the white cross. Occasionally the Anglers in Teddington, great memories love the area, usually get a night out there at least once a year after a game at twickers
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