Also, to reiterate - I'm not saying that the UK's response is definitely right; more that the conclusion that it is definitely wrong is a little rash.
Thanks to Jon and Doobs for the excellent posts on this thread, I definitely feel that they have helped me get to grips with this faster than I would have done otherwise.
It's always an odd situation on a forum like this because we are to large extent taking each other's knowledge/ignorance on trust. I probably get marked down on that front for the aggressive way I have criticised Woodsey/Mantis/Adz in the past, fair enough if people want to make that assessment. I also have that annoying condescending posting style that I can't seem to shake but I'm still working on it. I have contributed Local Resilience Forums (basically one level below COBRA) for London for major incidents and have represented my employer at Silver Command and been a major contributor to Gold Command for large scale pollution incidents.
The UK had an extraordinary opportunity to act sooner and didn't take it. It still can go harder sooner. We are still projecting at least as badly as Italy atm (early days yet). Of course it's easy to be wise after event but from the moment anyone reads and fully understands the Tomas Pueyo article it was clear we were in a lot of trouble. I fully accept Doobs point about the rate of growth overwhelming respirator rapidly on an exponential increase, twice to four times as many which seems to be the European norm will still be reached very quickly. Having more though will allow more flexibility for the people making incredibly difficult decisions. If we could have delayed the time taken to reach our ICU capacity by say 5-7 days and spent that time ensuring only that all front line staff had appropriate PPE and that there was sufficient testing capacity for them then we would be in a much more robust position than we are now. As always Taleb has relevant wisdom, we can predict the near future far better than the distant future and we should have chosen to take maximum control early, the reasons why we didn't are largely political. It didn't take long for the all the scientists agree nonsense to unravel.
It is a bit like linking the Express or Mail but this interview is interesting: