So I somehow managed to contract Covid
It was a little odd.. I had the tiniest of coughs and felt a little under the weather so took my temperature which showed as high. What I didnt know was the thermometre was low on battery and it turning red was this and not a fever looool. I did not know this until later when my daughter pointed it out, battery replaced temp was normal. In the meantime id upped and ran like a big girls blouse to the testing centre.
You have to have an appointment and incredibly someone somewhere has flicked a switch and the whole process has become super efficent. I went on line to book at 1.15pm and had a test for 2pm and it said there were over 600 spaces left that day !.
This wasnt a one off either as everyone around me went for subsequent tests and all got them in a similar time frame.
I was surprised to test positive especially as all who had been close to me tested negative including my eldest daughter who is currently living with me .. false positive ??
Anyway isolation has followed with little to no symptoms.. first night was like a medium flu.. was shivering then sweating.. after that literally nothing. Occasional headache and a cough which was more akin to clearing my throat.
I am nearly 52 but confess i am a gym hound and eat pretty healthily so this may have stood me in good stead. I know everyone will be different but is covid real.. yes of it the bubonic plague we have to fear like the end of the world.. no its not. If you are even remotely healthy I think you have nothing to worry about as borne out by the figures that show that the vast majority of deaths occur in over sixties and literally every one of them with underlying issues. We seem to have forgotten this in the hysteria.
Also reports the last few days state around 350 deaths a day.. NHS official figures deaths in hospitals around a hundred a day. Im assuming the rest are homes etc. I know people in two different homes and the precautions they take are ridiculous.. its hard to believe that if all homes were like this so many would die of covid.. or are we just calling it that as these deaths occur naturally of other things and its easy just to put that on the certificate.. or are we just making it up as we go along.
I read a report from the office of national statistics the other week, which on the face of it you think you could trust.. seems legit official. Now for a very long time the average deaths attributed to flu in the Uk is around 17K per year.. according to the ONS this year only around 385 people have died of flu.. hmmmm.
So what does this tell us.. it tells us you can twist numbers to suit any agenda you like.. and in the meantime the Government is like Nero whilst Rome burns